Round 6: Entries

18 3 0

Katine Johanson

"Demigods! Your last task starts now!" At the sound of Roma's voice I once again trudge out of my tent, more wary this time as I await Roma's next words. Who knows what she has planned for this final task. At the same time, a thrill of excitement enters me. It's the last task, and I'm still here. A stupid grin fills my face before I quickly push it away and replace it with a more neutral expression. Still, a surge of pride fills me and for the first time I let myself hope that I can win this contest. I have to.

When I arrive at the field, surprise hits me and I stare at the changed field once again. This time it's a maze, but it's huge, and there's a foreboding feel about it. Parts of the maze seems to shimmer in places, while others seem hazy or strangely colored.

When Jamie arrives Roma claps her hands, and begins speaking again. "This," she gestures behind her to the large maze, "will be your final task. Make it through the maze, and you will win." I stare at her, waiting for the catch. I don't have to wait long.

"For this task, you will need your wits about you. Unfortunately, I put something in your drink at supper, and it will begin to affect you as soon as you step into the maze." Roma smiles a little manically and then claps her hands again. I blink and then realize she's transported me into the maze.

At once I feel a little dizzy, but before I can focus on it I hear thumps along the ground. Pulling out both of my daggers I turn in a circle, although I don't see anything. After a moment, I move along the single path warily. The farther in I go, the worse the dizziness becomes, I take a moment to pause, leaning against the hard, leafy wall of the maze. When I look back up the thumping noise has become louder, and I hear wing beats above me.

Looking up I blink rapidly, certain that I'm hallucinating the sight above me. The thing has an eagles wings, with a lizard's head, attached to a body of shining silver metal. The sight is so grotesque that I feel bile rise in my throat, and I stumble backwards in surprise when it lands in front of me. Then I realize that I'm going to get crushed if I dont' move and quickly roll to the side and then spring to the side trying to stop the sudden pounding in my head, made worse by everything suddenly splitting into two.

I look for the thing that I'd seen earlier and spot it, except now there's two of it, both running towards me. I pause uncertainly, not sure which one is real or if they're both real. I quickly decide not to take a chance and assume they're both real. Rolling to the side again, I narrowly miss slamming myself into the maze wall, and that brings an idea to mind. Blinking once again, I wait for the two of them to run into me, the ground trembling underneath my feet, until they're two feet away. Then I roll underneath the left one's body, grimacing as I feel sharp, smooth metal pass over my body, followed by the sound of tearing branches. Then the sound repeats itself again, fainter and I stand up, grinning slightly as I watch the metal/lizard/winged things keep running.

I move more quickly through the maze, and then frown when I spot the path diverging three different ways.

I hesitate, trying to figure out which path to take, but they all look the same. I stare at them, before deciding to go with the middle one. I move towards it quickly, and then fall when I hit something hard. Getting back up I try to walk towards it again only to see the same result. Frustrated, I attempt it a third time. When I can't walk onto the path I shake my head and try the path on the left, but once again I can't go anywhere. There's a pounding in my head as I decide to try the last path, only to be frustrated again. I back up, staring at the three paths more closely. I blink and then frown when I don't see any paths. What is going on?

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