Round 1: Greeks and Romans, My, My, My

322 8 45

You've all heard the rumors of a camp of either Greeks or Romans (depending on your camp) and you've never believed it to be true. That is, until this very day. You see a lone figure, clad in white, heading towards your camp. You think that the borders will cast them away, but you keep watching, transfixed by this.

As they reach the edges of your camp's borders, you realize that they know exactly where they're going and that border isn't going to stop them. They come through the border, and a girl with pitch black hair stands in front of you, a gleaming golden sword strapped to her waist.

With a smile, she heads for your place of power (Big House or Praetor house) and when she emerges, she tells you of something that far exceeds your expectations. The Demigod Cup.

Eight of you will be taken from your camp, to face off against eight of the other camp, to prove which side is the strongest. There will be a series of tests, and after them, some will be sent home, until there is one remaining.

She calls out the eight names of the ones who are chosen, and your name is among them. You have been chosen for the Demigod Cup.

She takes the eight of you, and with a magical whoosh, you land in a lush gray field, with eight purple tents on one side, and eight orange tents on another and in the middle, sits a giant arena, just for the Games.


~Describe how you see this figure, and what you think of her.

~Tell us about her announcement, how your character feels, and what they think of the challenge that they are facing.

~You can write anything before or after the event, as long as you still mention it.

~Describe how your character feels about meeting the Roman campers.

No one will be eliminated this round, so you can gather up some points and gain some allies before the next round. Allies are always helpful, and a ton of fun to have! So don't be afraid to ask someone to be allies with you!

When sending in your entry, you have to send me the actual story. Not a link. Thanks.

Entries are due THURSDAY, AUGUST 28TH at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after then will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores.

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