Round 5: Duelling Club

43 4 0

You all walk outside and see that for once the arena isn't covered. In fact, it looks very familiar. And then you recognize it. A duelling arena. You're to fight, not to the death, but at least to the victory. The first one to get knocked out of the ring loses, and the other is the champion.

 The pairings are this: 

Magnolia V Alisa

Katine V Jamie


~Describe the duel, and who wins (it does not have to be you).

~Describe how your character feels about the duel, during the duel, etc...

~Have fun! 

Entries are due SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after then will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores (unless you've been granted an extension.)

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