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"Kate?!" Wanda exclaimed.

"Danny, can we talk to you for a sec?" Peter asked, and the four Newyorkers conversed under the stairs outside the elevator door.

"Are you mad!" Shuri whisper-yelled, putting her index finger against her temples.

"Did you run here with her?" Peter asked

"Yeah but-" Danny started.

"Do superheroes work out of their living room," Kate commented loudly, and they all shifted their heads to look in her direction

"You told her about us," Wanda asked and they went back to looking at Danny

"No, she-"

"I figured it out," Kate said, joining them. "You guys made it kind of obvious," She added and Shuri's eyes shifted to what she was holding by her side.

"Is that a rocket board?" Shuri asked excitedly, pushing through her friends to get to Kate.

Kate simply nodded.

"Did you build this?" Shuri asked

"Yeah, I was trying to make a hoverboard but I didn't have a strong enough power source,"

"I can get you a power source," Shuri replied grinning

"Shuri!" Wanda exclaimed a little surprised and disapproving

"Look, guys, I get that this isn't conventional, but she already knows who we are and she knows where the stolen vibranium is,"

"How do you know where it is I haven't been able to locate it cause it's deactivated and it's indistinguishable from common metals,"

"Well, I know who has so I basically know where it is.,"

"Shouldn't we go to the basement first, we've got work to do and we can't do it here," Danny suggested

For the moment, the team still didn't trust Danny's judgement, but they were at a standstill in their work and showed Kate to the elevator door.
For a few moments, Kate was a little confused until Peter pressed the down button in the elevator and they descended into the basement.

"Okay, start talking," Wanda said, crossing her arms and sitting on the head of the couch facing the door.

"Kate simply opened her bag and pulled out a bow and a singular blue arrow. She armed her bow and shot the arrow that missed Wanda by an inch and pierced the opposite wall. As soon as it did, everything in the basement turned off for a short second.

"It was you. At the warehouse," Peter concluded

"In the flesh," Kate replied.

"She's Bishop's daughter-," Danny started

"And I want to help," Kate said, finishing the speedster's sentence.

Wanda glared at Danny, which he didn't notice, and decided to speak up about her concerns.


"I'm not working with my dad," Kate said, cutting Wanda off and replying to her question before she asked it

"I wasn't gonna-"

"Yes you were, I could see it on your face,"

"Excuse me Newyorkers," Ava said, appearing in her golden holographic form on the table and attracting everyone's attention.

"I have completed Shuri's simulation," She added

"What's the outcome," Shuri asked, jumping over the head of the couch and leaning on the table.

The Newyorkers (Project next-gen part 2)Where stories live. Discover now