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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

Valentine event

Request: Anonymous asked:"You're fleeing the castle under the cover of darkness?" with Aemond Targaryen and Female reader for #valentine2023

As soon as your father shut the door to your room you were up. Silently tiptoeing to the door to be certain he had walked away. You couldn't stay. You would not be a part of it.

When you heard footsteps retreating you rushed to where you had stowed riding clothes and a cloak. Setting a candle in your window you hurried to gather the things you'd set aside that you thought you might need and crept from your room. Managing to make it to the door of the rooms your family had been staying in at the Red Keep you slowly snuck out. The corridor was colder than the rooms but you didn't let it bother you. Pulling your cloak tightly around you, you made your way through the corridors towards the courtyard where a few loyal servants were waiting with horses.

There was a feeling of relief as you spotted them until a throat cleared. Turning you found Prince Aemond calmly stopping to stand at the top of the steps. "You're fleeing the castle under the cover of darkness?"

"We... I..." You stuttered.

"We aim to stop an attack against your family. But our lady has no one but us to protect her. All the lords of esteem that she knows have sided with her father. She flees with the goal of sending word to the hand of the king." Your eldest servant spoke up. She'd been trained by the wet nurse that raised you and your brothers and looked as if she might duel Aemond for your life should he threaten you. Aemond fixed you in his sights and at first, you froze, then you panicked. Your eyes watered and you helplessly flung yourself at his feet.

"Please... we do not want any part in this. If my father finds I have tried to flee..." You blubbered out. Aemond looked up at the servant and then back down at you.

"On your feet my lady. Perhaps you do not have a lord to protect you from your father. But if your waiting lady speaks the truth you should find yourself with my protection." Aemond said as he reached out a hand for you to take. He helped you to your feet and guided you back inside. With a final glimpse behind you to your escape you followed silently.

Aemond took you to his grandfather's office where he left you while he woke his mother, grandfather, called for several guards and returned making you feel less anxious for a moment. Your fingers squeezed and stung as you fiddled and picked at them while Otto went over and over everything you knew. You sat on a long bench seat with plush cushions as everyone spoke around you, occasionally questioning you.

"You are certain that you saw him speaking with a Maester about the king's medicine?" He asked. You nodded again.

"Yes. They planned on poisoning the king and at the celebration, my father is going to throw he planned on poisoning Princess Helena too. He wishes to push me towards Prince Aegon in his grief. That I am certain of as he demanded my cooperation. I know he made plans against all of you but I am uncertain about what else he has planned... There are letters with more details in the saddle bag of my horse. We hoped to send them to the Maester at Old Town once we had gotten away from my father." You trailed off as Otto sat back in his seat. Blinking you tried to keep fearful tears from dribbling down your cheeks. Alicent glanced at you and leaned forward, reaching to place her hand over yours.
"You have done well to bring us the information. Someone will fetch the letters." Alicent assured you and glanced at a guard who bowed slightly and hurried off. The letters were fetched after more people had been summoned. Otto looked at them and then handed them off to someone else. There was an uproar and Alicent stood, throwing herself into the thick of the talking. Feeling rather alone and unsafe you found that Aemond stepped towards you. He stayed silent and observed.

"The fact remains that the only person who can provide you with proof is her." One of the men pointed at you and everyone went quiet.

"The letters have more details and the accounts from the servants. It is more than enough for me to believe (Y/N). Every word that she has spoken so far appears to be true." Otto admitted. There was more talking. The sun was starting to rise throwing a milky blue light over everything you could see out of the window.

"So we shall hire more guards for the king. Begin finding more proof. Using Lady (Y/N)'s accounts as reason." You heard as the talking quieted down.

"What of (Y/N). Her father..." Aemond spoke up. Otto sighed and he, with Alicent, turned to look at you.

"If he is willing to plan all of this then he will certainly have no problem with killing his own child." Alicent commented. Otto was silent for a moment before dismissing everyone in the room.

"We will send you to Oldtown. The Hightowers there will protect you. Your family is powerful and may prove a threat if they feel we have taken action unjustly. We do not know how many members are party to this treason." Otto said once he felt the room was clear enough.

"I was forced to attend the meeting they held this evening. I know the action you have to take is not unjust. I will defend it." You said quickly.

"Aemond. Perhaps. Perhaps you would be willing to go to Oldtown. The protection of a prince will carry far more weight than a few king's guards." Aliecnet asked Aemond quietly. He nodded and agreed. Before the sun had fully risen you had been bundled into a large carriage. Aemond said opposite you. His sword had been taken and tended to. His clothes were packed and fussed over by his mother who promised you would be well treated. Food and bottles of wine and water had been packed into the carriage as well as a second carriage for those who had vowed to speak of what they'd learned while serving you.

"My father shall be furious." You said quietly.

"Your father is a traitor. No one shall judge you for doing your duty to your king in protecting him." Aemond said as he leaned back in his seat. The carriage shook as it moved towards the gates of Kingslanding. After an hour of travelling the sound of dragons could be heard overhead. Looking through the slatted windows you saw the Red wyrm and Princess Rhaenyra's golden dragon flying towards Kingslanding.

"That is Prince Daemon's dragon. And Princess Rhaenyra." You said quietly. Aemond nodded and leaned forward to catch a glimpse of them as well.

"Your house is powerful. The accusations may lead to war. No doubt Daemon will demand war." Aemond sat back in his seat and saw the curious glance you gave him.

"Your dragon... it. I mean she. She is staying in Kingslanding?" You asked.

"Vhagar flies faster than a horse and carriage. She is most likely already at Oldtown." Aemond explained. You nodded and fell quiet. Every now and then Aemond would point something out that went flying past the window and tell you something he thought was interesting about them. The carriage rode all day, stopping only to rest the horses. Pushed to the brink they managed to cover a day and a half's ground by the time the thick of night came. Aemond left you in the carriage to talk with the guards that rode alongside the carriage. When he returned he had a blanket with him and a pillow under his arm that he handed to you.

"We shall stay here on the road?" You asked. He sighed as he sat down.

"There is a family not too far ahead that will rest our horses. It would be best to stay in the carriages... At the speed we travel, we'd ride them to death before we reach Oldtown." He explained. You nodded slowly and felt the carriage move at a much slower speed. When they stopped again Aemond allowed you out of the carriage but insisted that you stayed close.

"We have food and water should you need it. Prince." A man said as he fussed. A kind woman with a large baby in her arms smiled at you from the doorway of their small home.

"We could make the room for you. If you wish to rest." She offered.

"Thank you for your kindness but we are fine. Just the horses need to be seen too." Aemond answered quickly. When he had spoken to a few people, guards and a few servants from the other carriage, he took you by the arm and pulled you back inside your carriage. He insisted that you should lie down on the bench seat and rest. You woke to the feeling of the carriage moving.

Aemond Targaryen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now