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George sighed, sinking into his chair and slouching over. He had just ended a live stream from playing some minecraft mod against Quackity. Ugh, he hated how much of a struggle it was to keep a happy face plastered on. He couldn't even frown or blush or swear without someone commenting, some clip being made, or someone editing it. It was a pain. Sure, he loved his fans and a lot of them were great, but sometimes he wished he didn't have to fake so much.

George was staring at his black computer screen when his phone vibrated on the desk. He groaned, sitting up, expecting a twitter alert. Instead it was a text from Dream.

Dream : Hey

George quickly unlocked the phone to get to the text.

George : Hey?

George wondered, what could Dream want? They texted often but Dream rarely just said a simple 'Hey' without anything else.

Dream : You looked stressed during the live. You good?

George : You were watching?

Dream : Of course!

George : Did you root on me winning against Quackity?

Dream : Of course I did, I was bummed when he won. Now don't avoid my question, George. Why did you look stressed?

George sighed and slouched back over in his chair. Dream always seemed to know exactly what George was thinking. He either could read his expressions or he had mind reading powers. George wouldn't be too surprised if it was the latter. He sat back up to reply.

George : Just stressed over keeping an act up when live, you know how it is.

Dream : Yea, except I don't have it as bad as you. I don't have a facecam.

George : Yea, cheater!

Dream : Haha!
Dream: Anyways, is there anything I can do to help? We can call if you want?

George stood up, pushing his chair away. His cat, Luca, stared up at him with wide eyes.

George : Sure, we can call while I make some food.

Not even a few seconds later, Dream was calling. George answered the call and put it on speaker as he left his room.

"George!" Dream said enthusiastically. His voice was filled with static and muffled from the phone call but static and all, the voice alone made George smile.

"Hey, Dream," George replied, shuffling into his kitchen. He started prepping a cup of ramen. After some hesitation, he grabbed two cups instead of one.

"What'cha cooking?" Dream asked.

George set the phone on the counter next to the stove as he turned the heat on. he eyed the beef ramen packages. "Something unhealthy," he said with a quiet snicker.

"You should eat more healthily. You'll live longer."

"Why do you care how long I live?" George filled a pot with water and set it over the oven to boil.

"You're my best friend, why wouldn't I care? I would be a bad friend if I didn't care." There was a shuffling and Dream's voice got louder as if he moved closer. "If you die years before me, I'll be so lonely!"

"Oh, haha , poor lonely Dream! Get Sapnap on your healthy diet, he lives with you. Then he will live longer with you to cure your boredom and loneliness. You can't tell me what to eat if I'm not living in your house!"

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