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George felt Dream's presence come into the room that night again. He was quiet but there was a shift that George felt as he came in, despite George locking the doors before he had crawled into his bed. He had barely spared the time to change out of his clothes that had Sapnap's blood before he curled up under the blankets. Now, he could feel Dream coming in. He didn't sit up or say anything. When he felt Dream's hand on his shoulder, he whispered brokenly, "Please Dream, I don't want to do it..."

"Do what?" Dream whispered a reply, leaning closer.

Unsure what to exactly say, George said, "Anything two people who are only friends wouldn't do..." Dream's soft "oh" confirmed that he knew what George was begging. He had already lost so much, he felt. He didn't want to lose that one more piece of control over himself. He didn't want to lose that innocence he held so desperately, so dearly.

"Well, I can sleep with you, can't I? I want to hug you and hold you. That's what Sapnap and you did, right? You two are just friends so that should be fine." George didn't turn to meet his gaze but he could feel Dream's challenging look. If George told him no, he would believe Sapnap and him were a thing and would most likely kill the brunette. If he said yes, he would have to allow Dream to be dangerously close to him. Instead, he didn't say anything. When he didn't reply, the blonde invited himself in and shuffled under the blankets. He was hot, uncomfortably hot. George shuddered as he felt Dream's hands wrap around his waist. Dream mis-read his shivers and chuckled quietly as if assuming George was enjoying this despite his obvious discomfort. George felt sweat bead up against his back. He fought off a small whimper of fear, refusing to let himself succumb to that level again. He was being too pathetic and weak.

Dream twisted his legs up in George's, pressed his chest to his back and leaned his chin on George's shoulder, his mouth close to his neck. George could imagine him biting down, sinking his teeth into his tender skin. He wouldn't be surprised if Dream had a secret pair of wolf's fangs, despite him seeing his very normal, very human teeth daily. He could imagine the blood spurting out, staining the sheets. He would turn and the last this he would see was Dream's face, covered with his hot blood, smiling down at him, illuminated by his green, glowing gaze.

"Go to sleep, George," Dream whispered, jolting him out of his gorey thoughts. George squeezed his eyes tightly shut, trying to block off all emotions and fears. He tried to ignore the way he could feel Dream's heart pounding against his back. He tried to ignore the way his toes curled against his calves and how Dream's fingers touched his stomach's skin under his shirt. He wondered if Sapnap was in his room, waiting to see if George would come in with hm. He probably would have, or maybe he wouldn't, since Sapnap had been laying in bed all day and was resting. He had bandages wrapped across his chest, his skin was so white that it matched the bandages. George had visited as much as Dream would allow him and every time he did, Sapnap was only half conscious. He was panting, sweaty, and was running a fever. Despite Dream's cleaning, George feared Sapnap had an infection settling in. The infection was seeping into Sapnap, infecting him, filling his with a dark poision. George feared for his friend's health more than ever, with this wound.

Eventually he must have succeeded with blocking things out because he felt sleep pulling towards him. He fell into it gratefully, letting it wrap him in it's arms. It was warm, yet not unbearably warm like Dream was. Sleep hushed him gently, lulling him into a light sleep that was without any dreams, ironically enough.

George laid in the arms of Dream. He could feel his heat against his body. He felt his breath, small puffs on his neck. Dream's arms were locked around him, his legs twisted along with his. George felt like his skin was crawling with little live bugs, itching and creeping along his body. He wanted to throw himself off of Dream. He wanted to put as much distance between him and the man as he could.

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