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George kept his eyes squeezed shut tightly. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to breathe. He didn't want to open his eyes and see what was in front of him. He could feel rope digging into the skin around his ankles, wrists, and neck. They held him upright to a chair he could feel. It felt like one of the chairs in the dining room...

George could hear something, or possibly some one in front of him. He could hear their muffled whimpers, he could hear them pulling at their own ropes, he could hear their chair groaning as the person scooted around.

"Sapnap?" George managed to choke out. The person in front of him grunted softly, confirming it was the brunette. He shuddered a sigh of relief, sinking in his chair the best he could with the ropes tying him down. "Sapnap, I-.... I tried, I'm so sorry... I was so close, so damn close... I-I am sorry..."

Sapnap sighed but George refused to open his eyes. "I don't want to open my eyes," he told him, choking back a whimper of fear. "Sapnap I... I'm scared..."

"Well then you should have stayed in the house, Georgie!" a new voice said. The voice chilled him. Dream. "If you didn't try to leave, we wouldn't have ended up like this. In this situation. This is your fault, George."

George swallowed a cry of fear when he felt Dream's hand tracing his shoulder, trailing up to his neck, jaw, cheek, lips... The touch left itching and burning skin. It was uncomfortable and painful. George wanted to snap at Dream's fingers with his teeth but he feared the consequences.

"Open your eyes, George."

George shook his head, struggling to breathe. It felt as if his lungs were squeezing shut, he couldn't get the oxygen he needed. He felt light headed. Was he going to pass out?? How pathetic. He squeezed his eyes tighter shut, struggling to hold onto conciousness. Damn, was he really this weak? About to pass out after such a simple instruction because he was so scared? Yet he refused to open his lids.


George's head snapped to the side from the blow. He gasped, his mind reeling with the pain. Dream just smacked him, at least he thinks. He still didn't want to open his eyes. Dream was strong, and that blow stung. He knew it would leave a nasty red mark across his face if not a bruise. Dark purple, black, blue, fading to a disgusting yellow, orange...

A pair of rough, calloused hands gripped his chin. Those hands were too rough for someone who played minecraft for a living. George could feel Dream's breath on his nose, burning him, rotting his core.

"Open your eyes, George..." Dream whispered and even though his voice was much quieter, the order was a lot more menacing. "I didn't want to hurt you and I don't want to hurt you again but if you don't open your eyes and look at me... Well, we are going to have problems."

George couldn't fight a small whimper when he squinted his eyes open and saw Dream. Dream was standing over him, grinning, those eyes gleaming with sick, sick joy..

"Hello, there," Dream breathed, staring down in awe at George's pretty face. George flinched away but no matter where he moved he would never get the disgusting feeling of Dream's gaze off his skin. He could feel his gaze like little bugs crawling over his skin, tickling him and making him itchy and uncomfortable. "I'm so sorry I had to hurt you like that, baby. Please don't make me do it again, I really hate harming you. You know I love you."

"Dream-" George gasped but Dream leaned away. His insides were churning from Dream using the pet name "baby". George swallowed any begging before he could release them. He knew that Dream wasn't going to release him anytime soon. Besides, it was pathetic. He was being a bit too pathetic these past few days and he wanted it to stop.

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