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George woke back up sometime in the middle of the night. It was dark outside, weak moonlight was shining through the windows. George was still in his clothes from the previous day. He groaned softly and rolled over from his back onto his side.

George opened his lids slowly, finding green eyes that seemed to glow peering back at him from the door.

George gasped, scrambling upwards. "Dream?" he whispered in panic. Dream's eyes narrowed from the shadows, eyeing him hungrily. George could imagine him growling like a savage beast, lunging forward, grabbing George's neck in his teeth and snapping his spine as easily as a toothpick. George fought off a shudder, trying not to show his fear but Dream was right there...

Dream hesitated, then stepped inside the room fully. "Sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Were you watching me??" George stage whispered.

Those icy, reptilian-like green eyes narrowed. "No." Dream's voice was hard and flat. "I came in here to give you a blanket since your bed only has a comforter and a sheet. I want you to be comfortable and sleep well." He threw a soft, fluffy blanket at George who caught it. "I don't want you losing any sleep because you are uncomfortable."

A flood of questions swarmed George's mind. Why would Dream come in his room in the middle of the night? Why not deliver the blanket before night? Was he really watching him?

Dream's gaze shifted to George's bags that hadn't been unpacked yet. "You haven't unpacked your bags," Dream noted.

"I fell asleep instantly," George said quietly. His gaze shifted past Dream's shoulder, down the hall where Sapnap's room door was closed, then back to Dream. "I was tired."

"Oh, okay..." Dream hesitated as if there was something else he wanted to say. George shifted uncomfortably under Dream's gaze when he looked back up at George. Then, "Well, goodnight George. Sleep good and well, I will see you in the morning."

George watched as Dream turned away, closing the door behind him. he quickly and silently got up, rushing to the door, feeling hopeless when there was no lock. He went back to the bed, feeling numb as he laid down.

Was he ever going to find out what was going on with Dream, or was he ever going to get out of here?? George already felt hopeless, one night in.

George didn't want to open his eyes. He didn't want to open them. He felt tired, so tired. There also was an icy chunk in his gut that seemed to hold him down to the bed. He couldn't move. He wanted to just lay there and feel dead and never get up again. He didn't want to deal with all of this. He didn't want to get up.

There was a small shuffling sound. George heard someone walking into the room. Breath hitching with panic, he sat up only to see - Sapnap. Sapnap was walking in, looking extremely nervous. "George?" he said.

"Oh, hey Sapnap," George said, puffing a sigh of relief before he wondered why he was so scared to see Dream. Maybe it was from yesterday. But then, George wondered if he was imagining things. Maybe he was overreacting and nothing was actually wrong. Maybe, just maybe, he could pretend.

"Dream is making some breakfast if you want to come down." Sapnap smiled but his face still was pale. No, actually, it wasn't, since George was imagining that. George misheard Sapnap's " You shouldn't have came here " from yesterday. He just was imagining Sapnap's fearful look, Dream's dark whispers. Yes, he was just imagining it. He had been tired from the plane flight all the way from the UK. Geez, the thoughts George was thinking could drive a man to insanity! He was acting crazy.

"Yea, sure, let me get dressed," George replied, glancing down at the wrinkled, messy clothes he had slept in. Oops.

"Okay, 'cya in a few minutes then" Sapnap said and flashed a quick grin before disappearing out the door. George watched him leave before he sighed, throwing on a hoodie that was two sizes large on him and sweatpants. The hoodie hung long over his hips and the sleeves fell almost past his fingertips. His sweatpants were his favorite pair because they were extremely soft and fit just right. George didn't want to look sloppy but at the same time he didn't want to look like he was dressing up just for hanging around the house. He glanced in a mirror that was up on one of the dressers in the room, hearing the sounds of pots and pans downstairs so he hurried, running his hands through his hair to fix it. His hair was soft and brown and the side part made some fluff fall over his face and make him look emo. He had seen many fans posting edits of his hair falling across his face, giving him that emo look. With a huff, George brushed the hair out of his face with his fingers. He turned and walked out, heading down the stairs.

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