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George pratically flew down the stairs, coming to a halt to see Dream sitting on one of the couches in the livingroom, his gaze fixed on George. "Morning, sleepy head," he said sweetly.

George eyed him nervously, expecting Dream to launch himself at George and attack him, full teeth and claws and kill him on the spot. When Dream did nothing like that and instead just kept watching him, George slowly finished his way down the stairs. He kept his eyes fixed on Dream the entire time though, not risking looking away. he didn notice through his preflexis that Sapnap was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Sapnap?" he asked softly.

"You slept with him," Dream accused in that same, sweet tone.

"I did not sleep with him in that way, Dream," George hissed. "It was as friends, so don't freak out."

Dream's lips curled higher up. "Are you sure Sapnap saw it in that way, though?"

Ignoring his question knowing he was just trying to work him up, George asked again, "Where is Sapnap?"

Dream sighed slowly. "He's downstairs," he said after a long pause. "Why don't you go see him~"

George whirled around, seeing a door from the diningroom that he assumed led downstairs. He swung it open, not before noticing the heavy deadlocks and bolts that can be locked. George shuddered to think why Dream would need such heavy locks for a basement.

He raced down tha carpeted stairs and was honestly surprised. The basement looked more like a whole other house than a basement. The house was built on a hill and this part of the building stuck out of it. Florida homes didn't usually have basements, so George was pretty surprised if he were honest.

The downstairs itself was nice. He ran down the stairs that turned to the right and opened up to a living room with leather couches, an expensive-looking chair, a fireplace, even a tv was set up. George ran right past it though, turning agin to the right to a small kitchen. It wasn't much, a small space with a table for two. To his right, into the hill, was a door to a bathroom and laundry room. In front of him down past the kitchen was another door that was shut tight. George knew Sapnap had to be in there.

He rushed over, stumbling to a halt before opening the door. On the outside, the door looked harmless. Painted white with a round knob, a door that would be seen on any household. But what was beyond the door? What waited for George behind it? What was there?

George knew Sapnap was in there and by Dream's tone, he was worried for his friend. So, taking a deep breath, he opened the door to a sad sight.

Sapnap was tied to a chair, his own shirt being ripped off to gag him. He had bruises across his chest, purple, black and blue across his ribs and collar. He also had more bruises everywhere that looked older, not as recent. His ankles, thighs, wrists and biceps were tied down with rope to the chair, holding him in place. His eyes had been squeezed shut but they flew open when George barged in. They were red and bloodshot. For a moment he looked scared before he realized it was George and relaxed. Then, he just looked sad.

" Sapnap !" George gasped, falling to his knees to take the gag out before he started struggling with the ropes. "Did Dream did this to you?? Are you hurt in any other places? Why would he do this??"

Sapnap sighed slowly, a breath that held a lot of pain. "He did this because he's a jealous bastard," he hissed but his tone held little venom and more grief. Grief over a friend who really wasn't a friend. "He knew I invited you to sleep with me and got upset e-even though it was not in any way more than a friendly, comforting way." He hung his head. "I knew he would do this and I'm sorry you had to see this, George... "

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