Twenty four

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[Y/N] YAWNED, TURNING face down onto her pillow in an effort to escape from the bright sunlight streaming through the windows

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[Y/N] YAWNED, TURNING face down onto her pillow in an effort to escape from the bright sunlight streaming through the windows. For the first time in a while, she'd gotten an uninterrupted night's sleep: one not racked by nightmares.

Was it because Sae was with her?

Blinking groggily, the girl suddenly stiffened as memories of the previous night left her face warm and heart racing. Her hands instinctively moved to cup her face in embarrassment and at the same time realizing that she was wearing someone else's clothes. Sae's clothes to be exact.

No matter how hard she racked her brain, [y/n] had no recollection of ever dressing herself. More likely than not, it was Sae who had carefully dressed her and tucked her into bed while she was dead asleep, passed out from the exhaustion of sex.

After several minutes of laying in contemplation about whether she wanted to leave the comfort of bed, the [h/c] girl finally propped herself up—only to be pulled back down again by a strong arm that circled her waist.

"Where are you going?" Sae murmured, frowning as as he tugged her toward him. [y/n] could feel the heat radiating off his toned body, her clothed back pressed flush against his chest as though being an inch apart from her would kill him. "Don't leave."

Aware that he was gripping her rather tightly, the midfielder adjusted his hold as to not cause her any discomfort before burying his face against her neck and inhaling her calming scent.

He allowed one of his arms to remain draped protectively over top of her, holding her firm. His other was free to move, which became evident when his cool fingertips brushed against the back of her neck.

"[y/n]?" His voice had a slight rasp. Grasping gently onto her hair, he lifted the [h/c] strands out of the way to press his lips to her warm skin.

"Mhm," she hummed, turning so that she faced the midfielder. Her lips tugged into a gentle smile when he came into view, her hands moving to brush back the auburn locks that fell softly over his face before absentmindedly tracing the rest of his features.

The affectionate touch made Sae flustered, redness blooming across nis cheeks as he suddenly ducked down so that she wouldn't see his growing blush. His heart thrummed wildly in his chest when he glanced up at her briefly, his jewel-toned eyes studying her with utter devotion.

"I like when you touch me, [y/n]" He admitted when her hands ghosted over his nape and the strew of hickeys she'd given him, making him shiver against her body. Dipping his head lower, the male began planting kisses down the valley of her partially covered chest, his auburn hair ticking her sensitive skin and eliciting a giggle from the girl.

The sound made him feel fuzzy inside like flowers had somehow blossomed inside his chest, and he rested his head against her plush breasts, blinking dazedly as he basked in the warmth and softness.

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