The undercover Plan (Donnie)

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Reader's Point Of View

I pulled my hood up as I walked through the sewers. This is a long shot, but since Shredder wanted me from the very beginning, this could be an advantage.

I pushed up the lid as I stepped out of the sewers. 

I felt tears spring up into my eyes as I walked the dark alleyways. I had to think of where Shredder would hide as I pulled up one of Donnie's tracking devices.

Typing in the last known security camera sightings I stood behind a garbage can as I scrolled through the footages.

I went through about twenty footages before I found one that held one of the FootClan soldiers stealing a van.

"Well, that seems a little too easy..." I sighed as I scrolled through the video to see where it was going.

I eventually I was lead to a tall cement parking lot with a empty basement. It seemed like it was abandoned by the company as the bottom floor was boarded up except for the broken board I was looking through.

A lot of crates and supplies was hidden inside, as there were a few Foot soldiers walking around with swords ready.

I sighed as broke the board a little more making them all turn to my direction. I stepped through the hole that was left. As I watched BeBop and Rocksteady make their way down from upstairs.

"Take me to Shredder." I said making everyone look to one another.

"I came alone." I announced.

Narrator's POV

"What do you mean she's gone!" Donnie shouted from his room as he rushed over.

He had already found the note an hour after you left and hid it in his room.

"I don't know D, I just knocked on her door and it was open." Mikey said as he placed his hands on his head.

"Well where would she go?" Raph shouted.

"What do you mean where? April and Casey are in custody and she doesn't get along the greatest with Vern." Leo sighed as he started looking around the lair.

Master Splinter was standing silently as he tried to look as sorrowful as possible.

"She left." Was all he had to say making the boys turn to him.

"Why would she leave?" Mikey asked as he sat down next to her door.

Donnie didn't say anything as he looked down to the floor as he worried about Y/n and this new plan she had.

He knew he wouldn't be able to even talk you out of it, you had made up your mind and went with it.

"Donnie." Mikey said making him turn to his younger brother. "She didn't say anything to you? At all?" He asked. 

Donnie looked down as he shook his head making Mikey groan and turn to head to the training room as he ran back and bolted to the kitchen.

"She will be fine..." Master Splinter whispered as he patted his son's shoulder.

"I hope so..." Donnie replied as he looked down to his father.

Back to Y/n...

Y/n sat at the edge of the pillar up above BeBop and Rocksteady as she pulled a small device out of her pocket and placing it under her wrist. The small screen under her wrist popped up with a very low glow as the screen of the watch was pointed to the tank that was below her.

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