C h a p t e r 21

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Adams pov

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Adams pov

I open the door to the house and set the grocery bags down, it's very quiet,  too quiet I shut the door with my foot still looking around.

Usually I would hear tv that Aliyah had playing or her music from the bathroom but nothing. I hear nothing.

I head upstairs quickly and see her clothes scattered all over the hallway floor.

"Aliyah!" I quickly go to her bedroom and see everything still in the same place as she left it.

"Merde!" I go to search the other rooms and see no sign of her I hastily grab my phone and call Owen.

"Tell me she's with you" I shut my eyes tight hoping she is.

"No?" Owen says confused on the other line.

"Aliyah she's gone" I say eerily quiet praying it isn't true.

"I'm on my way now" then the line hung up.

If it's the last thing I do I'm going to find you.

I will.

Aliyah pov

"Rise and shine!" A flashlight shone in my eyes. I squinted and they kept waving the flash around.

"Aww look at your thigh, you're not ready for today are you?" The man with all black says with a laugh in his tone.

"If you think that was well, painful" he laughs like a comedian was in the room with us.

"What?" I saw above a whisper, my thigh is killing me but I wouldn't let them know that, I have to stay strong.

The man in all black closes the door and walks behind me, he grabs my restraint wrists and cuts them loose, i wiggle my fingers trying to gain some feeling back .

He then roughly grabs my arm and pulls me out of the chair, my feet scraping the floor during the process, I wince In pain. We head towards the door. This might be my escape.

He opens the door with a loud creak and drags me up the stairs in front of the door by my forearm.

I don't know how long it's been since I've seen other people besides those men. Maybe a couple days?, hours? I don't know anymore.

We then walk through a hallway that seems like there's no moldy basement downstairs. It turned into a nice house if an evil sadistic freak didn't live here.

My bare footsteps can be heard on the marble floor as well as the guards boots,  he looks back at me every few seconds.

I look around for possible escape routes and see all the windows are really high up, none that I could possibly reach.

We go down a hallway and i see a window that's not high as we pass it it looks to be boarded up. Great.

We come to closed double doors the guard raises his hand and does a couple swift knocks,  we hear a gruff 'enter' the guard opens the door and practically shoved me in there.

I fell to the floor tripping over the carpet thigh getting scratched in the process.

"Shit!" I groan.

"Well, well , well, what do we have here" i look up and see a man standing over me behind his desk looking at me with lust in his eyes. I stand up and back against the door.

"So you." He stalks over to me.

"Are what has me, loosing money " He snaps in a quick second and slams his hand next my head breathing into my neck. I shut my eyes, hoping this is all a dream and I'll wake up next to my men.

"What?" I announce confused, is he bipolar?

"Ever since you came into the mafia they've been playing it safe, for you" he says with disgust quietly still on me, his eyes filled with disgust.

"But I have you now " His voice rises again and his hands latch onto my throat.

"I don't know what your talking about" i say above a whisper, now on my tippy toes.

"You will, you slut, I'm going to take everything from you !" I'm starting to loose my vision, but my fight or flight kicks in and I quickly raise my knee and knee him in the balls. He screams and drops to the floor.

I open the door behind me and his head gets hit with it in the process.

"Oops" I say before I run out the room and make a hard left.

Im running the opposite way I came because, well that leads to my room.

Im running as fast as I can trying not to make noise, I turn a corner and see a bunch of guards chattering and eating food, I turn back fairly quicly and go in the other direction, going back to the window that was boarded up.

Once i reach the window I pull on the long wooden planks that are nailed shut.

"Please, please" I yank on them but it's not coming loose. I put my foot on the wall and pull that way, a nail falls out.

I keep pulling until i hear a scream, I look to my left and see.


Is the last thing I say before I feel someone hit me with something over my head,


This is so cringy I'm so sorry 😃
It'll get better tho!
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