Poptart kiss

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Masky sighed as he searched through the cupboards looking for his fix. Slendy had made him work extra hard today and he needed something to brighten up his day. As his fingers brushed against some noisy plastic wrap Masky paused and thanked the heavens. His eyes narrowing noticing that there was only one packet set of blue berry pop-tarts. It seemed no matter how hard he tried to hide the delectable treats a certain some one always managed to find them. Having enough of his substance abducted and embezzled by an unknown psycho, Masky began to form a plan.

Five minutes later Masky put the set of pop-tarts in the toaster selecting the highest heat he made his way to another room and sat quietly for a long time until he decided to check in the kitchen there he was met with a an awesome sight. Some how Toby had gotten the tart frosting all over his unmasked face. His eyes widened as he saw Masky leaning on the kitchen doorway obviously not pleased. Suddenly agitated Toby started twitching more noticeably than before.
"So I've finally caught my tart theft in the act red handed" Toby blushed at being so foolish he had been caught eating Maskys pop-tarts but suddenly became mad at Masky for seeing his scarred unmasked face he stood up.
"Yeah what are you going to do Timothy? Hurt me? I can't feel any pain." Masky paused calming himself. He didn't dislike being called Timothy because it was his name but when Toby said it, it was totally different it caused emotions to build up inside him, emotions that he had long forgotten the name of and that made him mad and hate Toby even more. Being the quick thinker he was Masky only paused for a moment before smirking behind his mask. His first plan to burn the perpetrator didn't work because of Toby's lack of ability to feel pain but he could feel other things. Right? Shoving of the door post.
"No tobes ya can't." Toby didn't move as Masky approached him.
"But I'm sure you can feel other things.' Masky slid his hand up Toby's sweater causing the shorter man to shiver too shocked to do anything to defend himself. Maskys hands slid higher stopping before Toby's chest and sliding down lower. Toby whined indignantly and squeaked when masked hand found his sides and to his utter disbelief started tickling him.
" S STOP TIM I MEAN MASKY STOP!" Toby said through fits of laughter.
"No you stole at least five boxes of pop-tarts, now you will pay for the sins you have committed against me." Toby tried to get away only to end up falling with Masky on top of him. Masky never paused his relentless assault on Toby's sides.

"Promise? The older man stopped his assault on Toby.

"Yes" Toby suddenly tried to get up causing Masky to fall foreword connecting their lips.

"Hey mask-" H.oodie paused taking in the situation Masky was on top of Toby kissing him with white stuff on his face. There were only so many places his mind could go with conclusions. Hoodie turned away.
"Sorry I interrupted. But I brought a bunch of pop-tarts because I've been eating them I'll just leave them here." As Hoodie walked away embarrassed Masky let Toby get up a big blush under his mask.
"I I'm just gonna go masks." Toby ran away in shock. As Masky pressed his fingers to his lips he could name that emotion that he'd forgotten the name of...


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