Five seconds.

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Five seconds.

"Nooooo!" Toby screeched as he dropped a poptart. As Toby wailed in agony Masky only stared in contempt and annoyance.
"Wow Toby, I give you some of my poptarts and you drop them." Toby stoped his wailing and picked up the poptart and blew it off.
"Well they shall not go to waste!" As Toby ate a small portion of the poptart Masky crinkled his nose underneath his mask and crossed his arms. After savoring the sweet pastry for a moment Toby noticed Maskys odd stance.
"What?" The twitching teen asked with his mouth full. "God, you are disgusting." Toby's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What? It's called the minute rule Masky! This poptart is perfectly fine! Unlike your face!" Masky tutted in annoyance
"First off, you haven't seen my face and I think I'm quite average, second it's called the five second rule not the minute rule, third the five second rule is utter lies, once you drop a food item on the ground it is immediately no good. Infant it's just as bad as leaving frozen foods out for twenty four hours and then eating it. In other words Toby. YOU COULD GET EBOLA!" Toby threw the poptart at the wall causing it to break off into pieces. "NO! NO 'BOLA TODAY!" Masky blinked with wide eyes. "Jesus Toby, calm down the poptart didn't have Ebola! You idiot!"
"Oh," Toby twitched. "Well, what do you expect? You mention Ebola and my mind shuts down it turns to mush at the mere mention of god damn ebo-" Masky leaned foreword and kissed Toby on the mouth. After a moment or two Masky leaned back and smirked. "I liked you better when you thought you had Ebola you nerd."
And with that Masky walked away.
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