Chapter 7

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(Lore Book- The Guardian IV:

(The Ghost closed in on where E's scream came from, she saw blood stains and an ether trail following the trail she found the captain impaled on a tree branch as if he was pushed onto it a weird energy came off of it so weird she read it as an error. She followed the blood into a nearby cave, that's where the teen lay on the floor with the aliens sword through his chest his breathing was erratic "No! Ezra!" She said immediately flying over the teen's body "h-hey there g-ghost I-I t-think I-I m-messed up." The young man stuttered out Ghost just looked over the wound scanning it "there's nothing I-I can... I'm sorry." Ghost said looking down "t-this isn't... you're fault... i-it's mine... was d-dumb... of me t-to... do this." E said as his eyes fluttered "it's s-selfish... But c-can you... n-name g-guardian... a-after me?" E asked a saddened look on his face "sure kid what is it?" She asked "Ezra Bridger..." The man finished his sentence, and his eyes dimmed staring into eternity, the ghost looked down in sadness scanning his body once again. This was a longshot and she knew it, but this was the kid she raised from a child the ghost wanted this to happen it was selfish she knew it but felt as though this was her fault "i-is it
possible?" She said feeling the light inside his body pulse and burn bright if she could smile she would be her shell expanded and shut releasing a burst of light.)

Crow jumped on the man's back and looked right into Ezra's eyes "It's the only way my friend." He said before pulling the pin and letting the spoon fly off the grenade he held in his hand it blew up immediately after.

Ezra's eyes shot open and he pulled himself up on the bed, panting heavily with sweat dripping from his body. Looking around he saw that he was in Sabine's room he sighed rubbing his eyes. Deciding that he was hungry he stepped out of the room and made his way to the lounge Sam materialized "you had that dream again. You ok?" His ghost asked concern dripping from her voice the hunter nodded "I'm fine." The hunter dismissed "these dreams are not good Ezzy Crow would of found another way." She saud scanning him, the hunter nodded in agreement.

The worst part about everything was this wasn't the first time this happened. In the weeks after his and Kanan's trip to the temple, when he was building his saber. It was the same dream every couple of nights ever since they got back. The hunter materialized a energy bar and began to eat it "feel better?" A voice asked from behind him. Turning around the two saw Sabine leaning sideways against the open doorway "yeah just needed something to eat. What's up?" Ezra asked Sam went back to her pocket dimension as Sabine took a couple of steps closer towards him and picked the bar out of his hands, the hunter put his arms up in a in a 'what are you doing?' Way "you don't think I haven't noticed how differently you've been acting lately. Ever since you and Kanan came back from the temple." she said taking a bite out of the bar "it's been strange I keep having the same nightmare." Ezra explained running a hand through his hair "come back to bed." Sabine said finishing the bar and grabbing his arm leading him back to the bed "that energy bar cost a lot money." The hunter complained the Mandalorian chuckled "I'll be sure to pay you back soon." She said he practically tackling Ezra to the bed the two chuckled as she lay on his chest it calmed him made the hunter feel safe he felt his eyes droop falling into the darkness of sleep.

The hunter opened his eyes blinking from the feeling of just waking up in the morning. He could feel that he was sleeping on his side. He didn't need to think for another second before he decided that this was the best sleep he's had in weeks. Opening his eyes, he smiled as he saw the back of Sabine's head in front of him. They both faced the door, Sabine was the closest to it and Ezra was behind her with his back to the wall. Ezra's right arm was stretched outwards with Sabine on top of it, his left was wrapped around her with a tight grip as Sabine herself held onto his hand tight against the center of her chest Ezra hummed as he enjoyed the feeling of his companion pressed up against him Without any warning, Sabine turned around to face him but as she did Ezra could see that her eyes where closed, an easy tell that she was still asleep. Sabine moved closer towards him burying her face in his neck, Ezra didn't resist. He wrapped both arms around her back and held her close as he closed his own eyes allowing himself to drift off for a couple more hours "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Hera shouted from outside the room.

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