Part 1: Stories of "fiction"

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"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. China, 500 years ago, was peaceful and quaint, until the day the Monkey King emerged from the mountains and destroyed an innocent village with his mighty staff. The people wailed and screamed as the simian laughed at their pain. Until the Lady Bone Queen arrived to end his reign once and for all. 

The Queen trapped him under the ruins of a mountain, using her scythe, she cast a spell to seal him away, and as long as the scythe lay above the ruin, the Monkey King would lay there for all eternity. As for the Queen, she vanished from the world, never to be seen. And the scythe? civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Lady Bone Queen." A fine-dressed gentleman sat upright on a high stool, finishing his tale. 

A younger girl squeal as he finished, flapping her arms around with excitement, "That's so cool!!" The girl had elbow-length black hair with a grey headband, she wore a white cardigan with a royal blue t-shirt underneath, along with a grey above-knee skirt with black shants. (shoe-pants) The girl jumped up and down with excitement, "The Lady Bone Queen is so cool! She's so strong and beautiful!" The older male chuckles at the girl's excitement, "Oh, Bai He. And you thought you knew all the Lady Bone Queen's stories."

Bai He shushes the man, "Oh yes I do! I got her whole life written down in this very book. Which I wrote and drew myself!" Bai He pulls out a blue book with a skull drawn on the cover, "Like when she passed away from her human life and rose back as a skeleton demon, and rose the skeletons around her and formed a civilisation in Bone Island! Also how she-!" "Hehe, easy Bai. The papers are falling out." Bai He drops the book on the male's lap and grabs the fallen papers. The male picks up the book and chuckles, "It's nice to have someone to share these stories with."

"*AHEM* Well, I've done my part, I think I am owed something?" "Oh right, the 'free item' of choosing! So, what will you- AH!" Bai He gets carried with one hand by a taller and older female, her hair was black like Bai's and tied in a half bun with the rest hanging at shoulder length. She wore a violet polo t-shirt, a name tag on the front right with the name 'Zhizhu', black leggings and ankle boots. Her eyes had a lime-green glow "This store isn't a charity, Lin! I'm not letting you encourage my employee to shoplift!" Lin freezes but composes himself, "Ah, Zhizhu, don't you see it's a wisdom payment?" "Wisdom pay-my ass!! Either you pay or leave!"

"And you, Bai He!" Bai He freezes as Zhizhu places her down, "I already sent you on your break." "Ah- right! Sorry, I was just really invested in Big bro's story." Zhizhu sighs, "It's okay. Here, have some money for yourself, go get lunch." Bai He salutes, "Yes ma'am!" she runs out of the retail store, leaving Zhizhu with Lin, "Listen here Lin, I- ..." Lin awkwardly laughs as he sneaks an item into his grey, white-striped jacket, Zhizhu gives a glare as a dark aura surrounds her, commotion is heard in the store as Bai He exits and wanders the streets.

Pop music blasts from her headphones as she dances by, and her mind wanders back to the Lady Bone Queen, in all her glory before *Bam!* "Ow!" She danced in front of a pole, she looks back to notice she walked off to an abandoned construction site. "Oh no! Am I lost!?" Bai He panics and peeks around for workers, she hears distant chatter and walks toward it. She hides behind a broken steel plank and peeks over at the talking individuals. As she observed further, she realised... these people don't look human.

"I've been waiting years for this moment... Everything set?"

"Almost, baba."

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