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"God, stop doing that

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"God, stop doing that. It fucking hurts." Roman gritted.

"I don't have time for your whining. My time is too valuable." He took another heavy breath, "Now bend over."

Some people wonder what the hell they're doing in their life. Just a few weeks ago, everything was normal. They were just living life, going through school or work, sleeping in the same bed. It's all the same shit but it's familiar, you know? A cycle of comfortable repetitiveness. But everything can just change just like that, everything someone knows is just gone and changes. You get to wonder what the hell you're doing?

And this twister game was one of those, what the hell am I doing moments.

It was the same spinner with the same twisting movements and the same fucking commands. They were in the most uncomfortable position someone could be in Twister. Will had his hands on the top corners, his legs right below them, as if bending over to touch his toes. Roman was below him in a plank, his legs near Will's head and his arms on the opposite corners. Will was almost sitting on him with their asses connected, and whenever the blond sunk lower when his muscle strained, Roman began complaining as he would be dragged down.

"Twist it."

"I can't! I'm fucking stuck!" Roman gritted, holding himself up with his arms that strained his abs.

Will sighed as he labored himself to flick the spinner, only pushing his ass further into Roman's, which was not a nice feeling. Roman let out a yelp as Will scooted too low on him and his legs gave out and the raven headed boy fell on his stomach.

"Yes!" Will instantly yelled, but the happiness didn't survive as Roman tripped him and accidentally fell on top of him, forcing the two to the ground with Roman's weight on Will. He felt all the air leave his body as the raven-headed boy breathed heavily on him, "Get off me, you fatass." He tried pushing Roman off with his arms.

"People can never handle my size." He heard the boy mumble before he grunted and leaned off Will. He quickly stood up, his body still sore from what he had just endured. He would much rather do Coach's tortuous drills for hours, and that was saying something.

"Shut up," Wills said in such a disgusted tone Roman almost believed he was jealous.

Will continued to lay on the floor, his breaths coming out heavy. Roman brushed him off as he went to the computer and typed a response Coach, impersonating Will, which he could've done this whole time. When he received the code, he put it into the box, anticipating another card so Will could make them breakfast. That's until he saw a little nintendo DS in the box. His eyes lit up, and he picked up the gadget he hasn't seen in a long while. God, he missed his phone.

He jaunted toward the blond, still on the Twister mat, and Roman didn't hold back as he kicked the boy's side. "Ah!" The blonde yelped, turning up toward Roman, "What's your problem?"

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