A month and 1 day [M]

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Quite unlike the days with their loud quarrels, explosive yelling, and expressive fists. They weren't ones to keep their emotions tucked in for the embarrassment they might get or the scene they could make. They just didn't care. Some would say emotional, yes. Shameless, sure. Dramatic, obviously. Childish, surely. But they weren't known for this odd quietness they found themselves in.

They were sitting on the bonding couch opposite of each other with a box between them. Roman's arms crossed on his chest as he looked away, suddenly interested in the lamp he'd never noticed before right on the side table that had a nicely made coaster and a hard-cover book.

Will sat sideways on the couch, one leg dangling while the other was tucked under him while staring at his fingers. They have been exactly like this for a while, wondering what to do or what to even fucking say.

After yesterday's fiasco in the ocean, they unavoidably made out for what seemed forever. It felt forever with their wet skin and lips clashing against each other as they held onto one another. When it got too cold, they swam and ran back to the beach house, taking a long while because walking seemed impossible at that moment. The weed seemed to have worn off after their showers as Roman found refuge in his room.

Will? Well, he went to his homemade bed in the living room, which was just the couch as he stared at the ceiling. The only thing in his mind was how Roman had managed to get him to smoke. With his parent's ridicule and warnings, he never thought he would even touch a joint, but he couldn't admit how enjoyable it was... Some parts not as much as he recalled his very Roman-like behavior. He wondered where Roman got his reckless and dumb behavior from, but the weed explained it all.

The morning was even worse. Will never managed to fall asleep, wandering into the bonding room at 4 a.m. to think what he was going to say to Roman for the first time after last night. Roman woke up late as usual, spending a good hour having an existential crisis, before tiptoeing into the room.

When Roman caught Will looking lost on the couch, he expected the blond to tease him, but he looked almost horrified with his eye bags dragging him down to his frown.

Will had expected Roman to be carefree and shrug it off, but he looked equally as perplexed.

After finally having enough, their voices spoke.

"Let's just-"

"We shou-"

They both began at the same time before shutting their mouths. They glared nervously at each other, these past three day's events running through their head so much clearly.

"I'm just gonna..." Will trailed off as he grabbed the box and read the notecard on top. "Last 30 Seconds. Think of a memory you'd want to relive in the last 30 seconds of your life and share."

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