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Author's Note

Personal Disclaimer: All references to God, gods, angels, demons, mythology, folklore, Biblical references(titles, stories, etc), and/or religious rituals, incantations, or otherwise are not a reflection of my own beliefs and/or practices. All I am striving to do in this work is correctly and effectively maintain the mythology, storyline, and characters. Given this, some characters will have some heavy opinions regarding one another's backstory and/or beliefs.

Most of the mythology introduced in this fic will be Supernatural related, though I do think that given a chance to continue on with the series, Dark Angel would have ventured into a mythological world much like Supernatural anyway(at least when it comes to the Angel side of things).


I do not own Dark Angel - if I did, I would be making the third season in my backyard right now

I do not own Supernatural - Why on earth would I be sitting down writing this if I did? If I owned Supernatural, this would be on TV NOW. Alas, I shall have to settle for the small corner of the nerd kingdom in which I reside that has possession of the good name of FanFiction! May our minds be freed of the stories we wish to have been told.


A lone angel stood at the precipice of Heaven looking down upon the final world his son had recreated. He knew that the young Nephilim he had assisted in raising had only been to two worlds - two Earths - during his mortal life. One on which he was born and the other where he had opened a portal to save a woman he barely knew. Yes, that woman would later become a surrogate mother for the one he had lost but still- he knew nothing besides the fact that there were two men that cared about her very much and that he very well might be able to do something about it. Something to fix it.

Now here he stood, looking down on something so beautiful and serene, and knowing the boy sitting in front of him - that just could not resist the urge to assist a person in need - had recreated what the original Creator had eventually destroyed? The boy he now stood behind was - in all senses of the word - God. He knew that he would know exactly what these worlds were like - even before his own birth.

But here they were - standing and looking down at the new world that is as it was before - and the Angel Castiel could not help but think that this is just as it should be.

"You did a great job, Jack." Cas looked down at the young man who sat on the edge of Heaven and smiled. "Re-organizing heaven - every heaven, putting all of Chuck's old worlds back together- it's incredible."

Jack smiled up at his first father figure - the one he had chosen. The other two had kind of just...happened. But he respected and loved them nonetheless and couldn't wait to get home - to his original universe - to see them. "Thanks." He took another swig of beer. A strange idea - God drinking beer. In heaven no less! But there was a fair amount of drinking in a lot of people's heavens. Why on Earth would he not join in? He couldn't even get drunk unless he really wanted to.

This, unfortunately, was one of those times.

Castiel sighed and sat next to Jack. "What's wrong, Jack?"

Jack turned to Cas with the bottle still stuck in his mouth making bubbling noises as the air tried to escape above the water level (Or alcohol level, if you wanted to be technical with it). In that moment, Cas couldn't even describe just how much that boy reminded him of Dean.

The two men whom he had grown to consider and love as brothers had often told him how much Jack looked like him. And while that did not technically make sense(as he was not even - genetically - his father), Cas could easily make that same argument on the attitude and behavior side of things in regards to Sam and Dean. Jack was stubborn, like Dean, though kind and thoughtful in every sense of the word, just like Sam. He put family first, just like they all did, and it was always a heavy decision when it came between family and saving someone else. But one thing that Cas knew he valued was the one thing that they had always fought for together back on Earth - the free will of humanity.

Cas placed his hand on Jack's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I-I just keep getting that pull. To do something more." Jack looked up at Cas, slightly embarrassed. And, Cas noticed, the red that was beginning to rim his eyes.

Cas looked sympathetic, as he slowly took the bottle away from his son. "I know the feeling. But you made a promise- to Sam and Dean - to every world in existence-"

"I know, I know. And I'm never going to risk that - I promise. But some of the worlds - they're in a pretty rough place. Some maybe even as a result of me trying to put them back together - "

Cas opened his mouth to protest, but Jack stopped him.

"I know what you're gonna say - 'I can't intervene'." he thought for a beat. "Well, I guess it could have also been 'it's not your fault', but either way; I think this is necessary." Jack held a file out to Cas which previously hadn't been there. Hey, there's some perks to having the power of God.

Cas read through it quickly, the lines increasing on his face as he did so. "Jack, this- this is-"

"I know that there are a few kinks that need working out. But this way any earth can have the option to call for help if they need it." Jack smiled proudly, eager for Cas' approval.

He looked up at Jack. "You know you'll have to ask all of them permission to do this."

Jack nodded. "I know. Believe it or not, I actually got the idea from Dean."

Cas tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Jack shrugged. "I once overheard Dean talking to Sam about loving Heaven and yadda-yadda-yadda- and then Dean saying "Heaven is a good normal. But we grew up in the abnormal Sammy, and unless we get a little more variety, I feel like I'll end up going crazy." Dean had been in heaven for nearly sixty years at that point - as far as mortal time goes. Sam had been there for twenty - so he wasn't quite to that attitude, though Jack could feel that it would start to come on eventually.

Now it had been nearly a hundred years for Dean - sixty for Sam. Cas regretted admitting it, but he knew the two brothers would be itching for some action. Even he, who was an immortal being having existed since before the creation on the earth itself, was beginning to miss the adventures that he'd found himself on with the Winchester brothers. The only problem being: he couldn't leave Heaven any more than Jack could interfere.

Jack had to pull a few strings;cut a few deals in order to get him out of the Empty and back into Heaven. One of the conditions of him having his life back was that he could no longer work among mortals. Don't ask him why or how - there was a jumbled mess of Enochian sitting in an angelic filing cabinet somewhere explaining just how it worked but the quick rundown is - Cas leaves Heaven - bad. Cas stays in heaven - good.

Which is also why he understood Jack's need to put this in place - just to feel like anything - anything at all - could be helped.

Cas stood up, turning and walking away from the edge.

"Cas?" Jack called, worry straining his voice.

He turned back to the boy who was not a boy. To the new God; the better God. This boy who could not resist assisting a person in need - no longer able to do so. But even then, he was finding ways. Ways to allow humanity the freedom they deserve and even need but also to provide assistance at the same time.

And from what he observed of Jack's plan - it might just be the way.

Upon turning around, Castiel had attempted to hide the smile forming but he just couldn't hold back anymore. Jack was standing now as well and he was smiling as well - a mix of relief and excitement playing across his seemingly young face. "Come on," he grinned and grasped Jack around his shoulder, pulling him into his side. "We have work to do."

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