Chapter Two

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Dead or alive. Just bring me her body.

On his first contract, he'd seen the terror in the man's face, the disbelief that he'd been overpowered by someone who couldn't use vampire energy at all. On his hundredth contract, he'd seen the same look, and on his thousandth, Sage had grown immune to it. He'd lost any hesitation he had, cutting down anyone who stood in his way.

But a teenage girl? A mere child?

Sage walked along the halls. He had no doubts in his mind as to what this girl represented. The half-bloods had long been oppressed, silenced without reason. If there ever was an opportunity for them to equalize the playing field, to put what they thought was the rightful family back on the throne, this was it.

Sage didn't care much for who was on the throne. All he saw was a target, and an order to carry out. But he knew the time of hesitation would come soon. He stopped just outside a large door, his hands on the doorknob, almost reluctant to go in.

He pushed open the door, the fragrance of roses escaping into the hallway. He smiled and nodded as the nurse inside slinked past him, disappearing out the doors. Every time he came here, he hoped that the scene would be different. But it was the same every time. The man lay unconscious on the bed, his breathing so faint that if you didn't look too closely, you might've thought he was dead.

Rank 1. Isaiah Cynrad, the Calamity. If ever there was someone who seemed completely unstoppable in battle, who'd never see the face of defeat ever, it would be him. The man who'd first picked Sage off the side of the road when he was a child, the first person to recognize Sage's potential as a soldier.

Sage sat by the bedside, rubbing the temples of his forehead as he leaned back in the chair.

"He wants me to kill a child. Regis's heir." Sage said aloud. He often came here to voice his inner thoughts, ones that he wouldn't say to anyone else. He hoped that Isaiah heard him, maybe even reply, to give him guidance.

"You've killed children before, that's for sure. But that's different, you know? Collateral damage. If you had a choice, you would've waited for them to be out of the danger zone. I know it. But to go after a child specifically? With purpose? Could you do that?"

Even in a coma, Isaiah's aura of power could be felt faintly in the room. Despite the fireplace that was kept alight all the time, Sage could feel the chill of vampire energy in the air, circulating around the space with every beat of the man's heart.

"I suppose you'd carry out his orders without question. Soldier before everything else, right Isaiah?" A grin tugged at the corner of Sage's mouth. "Even when we first met, the first thing you saw about me was my ability to fight. Keep fighting, isn't it? That's what you told me before that night."

The night when Isaiah was put into a coma, to keep him alive. Many of the Huntsmen had long given up on any hope of him waking up, instead calling for a replacement to fill the ranks. Rightfully so, Sage thought. It'd been three years since Isaiah last showed signs of life. But Sage had hope.

"I hope you can hear me. I'm not too excited to repeat everything I've said over the last few years when you eventually wake up."

"Pretty sure he can." A cheery voice chimed in from behind.

Maeve walked in, taking a seat beside Sage. It was always the same; before a contract, Sage would visit his mentor, as sort of a ritual before carrying out the task he was ordered to. And every time, Maeve would find him beside the bed, rambling to himself.

"At least you won't have to repeat all your dreams again, since its recorded and all. Could just give him the whole notebook, though I doubt he'd like that. Hated reading and all, didn't he?" Maeve said, as Sage smiled.

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