Chapter Fifteen

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"Sage.You're back. You're fine." Vel shook his shoulders, but Sage couldn't stop the screaming. 

Until his lungs went limp, did he go silent. He stared at the ground, his tears falling non-stop.

"After that, you marched into Leviathan territory with a single, working arm. Cut down anything that moved, blasted our children into oblivion. You bathed in our blood, Sage, parading down our streets like an icon of death until you came knocking on our door."

Agnus leaned down, her voice a mere whisper.

"You slaughtered my family. Tore apart my children's bodies from head to toe. And when Vel finally tried to stop you, you killed him too. Used the full power of those wretched Hyperdrives to open up a gaping hole in his chest. And in his dying breaths, begging you to stop, you cut off his mouth, ripping the bracelet from his hands."

She went silent.

Sage stared at the ground.

"But the carnage didn't stop there, no. You went back to the surface, and when humanity had realized what you'd become, they tried to restrain you. But you showed no mercy. It was quite impressive, in all honesty. You were by far, the strongest Leviathan Monarch history had ever seen. You decimated entire continents with mere breaths. Billions dead."

"They deserved it." Sage's voice was soft, but he rose to his feet, his eyes red as he met the woman's. "Both humanity and the Leviathans failed my past self. He was only acting according to the natural order of justice. The Leviathans took my father. The incompetency of humans took my mother and brother. And then both took the love of my past self's life away. And you dare call me the thief?"

Sage's eyes glowed a sinister turquoise green, as his eyes flashed dangerously. "You've seen what happens when you take away everything from a man like me. History will repeat itself. Whether you like it or not."

The wheat grains fluttered in the wind. Vel eyed Sage, nodding slightly. He forced himself to calm down, as the trembling in his limbs stopped. Agnus held his gaze for a whole minute. Vel was the first to break the silence, as he stepped in between the two.

"When we fought the first time, I was facing a man who'd been stretched far beyond his limit. A life riddled with nothing but pain and suffering. Power didn't change this man, Ma." Vel said.

"The failure of those around him did."

"I have people to protect." Sage said. His voice was unwavering. "People I can protect. I haven't changed. I was just too weak to do it the first time. I have that power now."

Agnus turned away, as she stood at the dried up river banks. "The voices of those before you disagree. They demand you are cut down where you stand, and pay for your crimes with eternal damnation."

Sage's fists clenched up briefly, as he swallowed hard. He didn't know how the rules in the dream-world worked. If this woman were to come at him with full force, he might not wake up ever again.

"I will be watching, Valethor. To see what kind of Monarch you truly are."

Her form dissipated back into its liquid, lifeless form, the river filling back up with a rush as the waters began to flow once more.

Vel let out a long, held breath. "That was close."

"Was she a Monarch once?" Sage asked.

"Once. But before that, she was a leader. A mother."

"And I'm the guy that killed her entire family."

"And for that, you can expect never to have her forgiveness. But with time, perhaps you can earn her respect. With your actions."

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