๛ɕнαρтєя 9

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⇠тнιяԃ ρσν⇢

Meanwhile at the mortal world, a tall building at Northwest in China, was full with dangerous people who take order by a mysterious being. A slim woman wearing servant clothing, walk up to a dark room with a red lit candle. She seem frightened a bit as she slowly walk in until a strong wind come toward her. She yelp and was suddenly pin down on the pillar as a soft feather brush against her cheek. A voice said in Korean, "So my dear, any process on that war?" She shiver and just whine, not getting a response. The figure let out a groan and the feather turn into knives which make the woman yelp in fear. She then said, "The war...between demons and gods hasn't begin, my lord. It seem, there has been another conflict starts." The feathers pull away from her and let her breathe for a bit. The voice said, "Another conflict... What can that be?" She look up and said, "Rumors believe that the prince summon a girl from a different world, which she soon to be reveal as a fairy." The figure move back in shock and said, "A fairy..?! Impossible!" The woman yelp again and reach for her pocket to held out a picture of Sophie to the figure. Their hazel eyes shine from the sky and reach down to take the picture to stare at her. The voice said, "What a beauty. So foreign yet magically. She is indeed a fairy." The figure walk up to the candle and the wind blow across his room to lit up the whole room. She yelp and see the figure through the light as a beautiful being, stand there. They smirk and said, "So, this is another conflict. Where is this fairy?" Their eyes look at the servant and she said, "Well...the prince kept her captured in his domain. I overheard that she can be used for his kingdom." The being just chuckle and said, "Ahh, I understand. He is planning to use her power and essence for more strength. How reckless the prince is." They walk off and grab a cup of tea. The woman seem confused a bit and then her neck got slice as she gag. The being blow on their hot tea and said, "Quite a pity. She is so cute mhm. Shame." They walk off and see their fellow men that serve them well as they all shouted, "Lord Dong Jun! Lord Dong Jun!" Dong Jun stared at them and smile as they just sign them to calm down. They look at the men and said, "We got some hunting to do. You bois are going to the demon realm to get a kidnap fairy. She can be use for us. Bring her alive. Got it?" The soldiers nod and shouted, "Yes sir!" Dong Jun nod and gesture them to go as they went off to turn into crows. Dong Jun walk off and grab their magic orb as they mumble a spell to see where Sophie is. The orb show them that Sophie is training to fight with a spear. She groan and try to learn new things with it as she make sure to not fail. She curse under her breathe as she brush her wet hair back. She then grab some flower, vine, and a piece of her old clothes to decorate the spear. Sophie smile and admire it as it fit her aura better especially having flowers and vines talking to her. She look up and said to herself, "Hope you are alright without me, Master. I'll come home soon." She sigh and practice again while Dong Jun hum softly as he seem to understand English as well. They said in Korean, "Home hmm? How sad...I got something useful to use against that prince." They chuckle softly and turn into a crow to fly off to help their men.

Back at Feiyu's realm, Sophie was done practicing and decide to take a nap on the bed as she was tired. She sigh softly and crack her bone while she begin to close her eyes. As she was going to sleep, she heard her Master's voice next to her. Sophie slowly open her eyes to see a figure standing at her balcony as she slowly rose her head up. "M-Master?" Calvin stand there and smile softly as he said, "Hey Sophie. Let's go home quickly." Sophie eyes widen and get up as she said, "You know how?! Okay..." She was going to approach him to give him a hug, but a sudden sword come over to attack Calvin. She gasp and felt a strong pulse to drag her beside someone as she see it was Feiyu. He pull her close and said, "That isn't your...friend." Calvin look over at the two of them and grin as the blood drip a bit. Sophie was going to start a fight back, but she notice Calvin grin which she know that he will never do that. She cling close to Feiyu and said, "What the hell are you!?" The Calvin just kept grinning before it soon shift into a crow. Feiyu eyes widen and said, "Stay back, Sophie!" as he pull her off while he have his sword come back to attack this crow. Sophie gasp and watch this  from the floor before looking backwards to see some crows waiting behind her. She said, "What the hell-?!", but she got cut off when they drag her off sideways. She scream and Feiyu look back to see her getting taken away so he then call out in Chinese, "Richard, kill those crows and protect Sophie no matter what!" As soon he say that, Richard was in a flash out of nowhere and get ready to fight the crows as he held his hand out to ice them. He rush toward Sophie and swing his leg around to freeze the crows as he hold Sophie close. She yelp and said, "Richard...oh my!" as he lift her up in his arms. He spoke in his broken English, "I-I got you...h-hang on." She nod and clench on his shirt close as he run fast out of there. Feiyu's soldiers also came in to save their lord and their people while Richard make sure Sophie is safe. Sungmin also protect her girls as she bite the crows with her poisonous venom. She look up and see Richard is protecting Sophie as she grunt quietly while she grab one of the crow to snap their head off. More crows come in and try to get Sophie as Richard try his best to do his job. Sophie look over to see Feiyu is having some trouble as she can't help, but think of something. She look at Richard and said, "P-Put me down. Let me try something." He look confused and he know that she feel that, but he put her down as he make sure she is safe. Sophie slowly close her eyes and try to focus while her eyes glow red for the first time. As she does this, Dong Jun was there watching this and was curious what she was doing. Sophie held her hands out and groan as she let out a loud scream. Her hands glow red and come out a bunch of spirits as they all scream along with her. Sungmin and Richard were in shocked by this as they didn't expect this from her while she try her best to focus. Dong Jun jolted back and see this as the spirits goes to where Feiyu is to help and grab the crow to stay away from Feiyu, killing the crow and eating it. Feiyu look confused and look back to see Sophie's eyes and her hands before Dong Jun let out loud caws, telling his men to fall back. Sophie kept going on and Richard said in Chinese, "Your highness, hurry and take this chance to go." Feiyu groan quietly and run off as he goes check on everyone else before seeing the spirits are taking some crows down as others flew away. Sophie then stop this as the spirits were done spooking the crows away, back in her hands and she collapse from exhaustion, but luckily Feiyu catch her. He hold her close and see that she is conscious, but she seem tired out for using that amount of power. Sungmin look at this and didn't like this at all as she wish to punch the hell of Sophie's face. Richard said, "Is she alright, my prince?" Feiyu nod and said, "She is fine. Take her to my room and bring a nurse to take care of her." Sungmin gasp by what she is hearing as he never let anyone in his room. Richard just nod and take Sophie into his arms as he walk off to Feiyu's room. Feiyu groan softly and look at the mess, full of crows bodies and guts with blood  spilling before looking at Sungmin as she seem pissed off. He didn't care and just walk off to get the cleaning people to fix this mess. Sungmin groan and just hate this before thinking of something to fix that mess.


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