๛ɕнαρтєя 15

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⇠𝗍һіrძ ⍴᥆᥎⇢

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⇠𝗍һіrძ ⍴᥆᥎⇢

Haruto took Sophie to a room for her to rest for tonight and said, "If you need anything, let me know." She smile and nod as she said softly, "Thank you, Haruto." Haruto stared at her as he feel like that smile is familiar, but he kept quiet. He nod and head out so Sophie can rest so the second he left, Sophie immediately look around to see if she can spot anything to get out of here. She realized that she can't leave or Feiyu could kill her master, she rather die than having her master dead because of her stupidity. She pant softly and really wish that she could have bring her spear so she walk back to examine the room. Her eyes wander around before looking at the ring in her finger and the bracelet on her wrist. A idea then click in her head and take off the ring to feel Feiyu's emotion, but she feel a wave of anger and sadness. She fall to her knees and bite her own lips to prevent any noises as it hurt her. Her eyes widen and her eyes turn dark blue as she slowly get up before her hand glow red-purple. She walk over to the wall of the room and use her limited power to have the wall break open. Sophie gasp as her eyes are back to normal and didn't seem to notice that she did this, as if she was being control in her body. She immediately take this chance to walk out of the room and try not to alert anyone as she carefully hide behind things to don't spotted. Sophie feel the wave again and groan quietly as her eyes turn dark blue before pointing out where to go. Sophie snap back and see her finger pointing at the dark river which was very scary and forbidden, but she hear some noises that hear the loud explosion. She curse under her breath and start to run to the river which she is very good at.

As this was going on, at the demon realm, Feiyu has his magic ball to watch Sophie do this and admire her power as he said, "Stupid girl...you took that ring off and you get controlled by me. Just be glad I'm going to show you how cruel these morons really are." Richard was beside him in the throne and feel sorry for Sophie as he said softly, "My lord, are you sure-?" He got cut off when Feiyu glare at him and Richard stay quiet, not wanting to test him. Feiyu focus back and grip the necklace close as he secretly hope she will be okay.

Sophie soon got to the river and jolted a bit by how cold it is, but wasn't surprised since the demon realm was as cold as this. Suddenly she hear noises coming for her so she quickly rush through the forbidden forest to the river. She run as fast she can while seeing a lot of corpses, unhealthy plants crying for her, and feel the aura here is broken. Her eyes look around and sense how sad this place is so she stop running.

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