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Hello my friends, I'm making this post purely to explain how I'm gonna handle the progression for the armors in this story.

Firstly, I do intend to imply most of the MCU suits still get made but they're gonna be mostly in the background and explained with "The possibility of a new omnic crisis gave Tony newfound inspiration to make armors quicker" as even in the MCU within a few months (up to 6) he made 35 armors from Mark 8 to Mark 42 purely as a side project to manage his PTSD.

Second, the Mark 6 is going to be used next chapter and maybe half of the one after that before moving to mark 7.

After some time we should end up at the Mark 50 (albeit I don't know if it'll still be designated 50, maybe I'll designate it as a reference to the Comics with Model 37. Making it Mark 37) and I'll use the fact Angela will be around to expose Tony to nanotechnology more often as why he makes it FAR quicker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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