7| Beautiful Mistakes

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Chapter Seven| Beautiful Stranger

«Joellea's P.O.V.»

I woke up to the sound of the rain pattering on the glass pane and roof top. Trust me if anyone ask me what's the most beautiful thing I have heard from nature it self. The rain would be my utmost honest answer. I let out a sigh and glance across the lightly lit room.

So much have happen in one day. They were so many question bubbling around my brain and so many feelings erecting in my body. I slowly set myself on my back when something at the end of the bed caught my sight. It was a book. I big black book. I stood up on my knees to pull the book to myself. I notice the word Album written in cursive in the middle. I took a deep breath and open the cover to see an envelope with my name on it along with a yellow post it paper saying;

Found this in the box with your Art work you didn't pack out. 

Love Jaxon :-)

I pull the envelope open to see a letter address to me from my grandmother. I felt my eyes getting heavy before reading. I took a deep breath and began to read;


My dearest and beautiful grand daughter. I love you to my soul so does your aunt Jacy. Aunt Jacy isn't your mother. I know that's hard to believe at the moment but its true. Our family have come along way regarding a curse that will be explain to you later on.

Do you remember the time you ask me about that tattoo on my arm. Its a mark that have been given to everyone in our family. Its a mark that have curse us and your the only one that can break it. You've got to believe and listen to your brother. You both are gifted for a reason, your brother will explain the rest. The only thing your mother can do is help you put your drawing together to fix the puzzle. I know your confuse but the only way you will understand . I trust in you both, You and your to protect my pack and your friends. We love you.

Janelle and Aunt Jacy

P.S. Your mother has the next letter.

I stare at the letter dumbfounded. I stare at it in shock. I couldn't believe that my imperfect life have turn into a twilight novel and I'm a witch. What else do I need to know?. So after all these years I have been lied to. All these years.

I glance down at the Album and snatch it to a far end of the bed. I slowly got up went out the door when I bump into the most gorgeous guy. His blond hair was tosses and he had on a familiar necklace I swear I have seen it before. I stood there starring at him, when he spoke.

"I see you have been woken," he said softly.

"Who are you?" I manage to asked letting out a deep breath that I was holding in.

"That's not important," He smile at me. Then he touch my head removing the bandage and kiss my forehead as a sizzling feeling erupts on my inside.

"I was wanted to make sure your ok, We need you." He said before placing a kiss on my cheek and walk off down the hallway. I watch as he faded down the hall before I heard laughing down the stairs.

I slowly walk down the stairs until I was in the kitchen where everyone was. I notice everyone was looking at me with mouth wide open.

"Joellea" I heard Lisa voice. I turn to her as Cayden pull out a chair for me.

"Where did you get that necklace?" she asked

"What necklace?" I asked feeling my neck to feel a necklace I lift it up to see a gold necklace with a pain brush as the pendant.

"I don't know," I said.

"I came out to ask Jaxon and mom about the letter," I said as I notice Aunt Joanna sobbing quietly.

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