12| Beautiful Mistakes

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Chapter Twelve | Beautiful Uriel (Part One)

Joella's P.O.V

I stood up in the bed drench from head to toe while with water all around me. I groan in frustration hitting my hand against the wet bed. This really got to stop happening, I got up slopping water as I walk to the bathroom.

I groan when I notice the bathroom was over flooring with water. I touch my wet face with my palms and sigh.

"You really need to go to your Garden often" A familiar voice said behind. she turn around to see the room dried and in order.

"How did you get in here?"

"What do you mean Visit my garden, I don't have one." I blurted out annoyed as he step forward and touch my head and within a minute I was in a white robe.

"How did you do that?" I asked again.

"Doesn't anyone explain anything to you?" he stated with a smile as he walk over to my make shift studio.

"I would love that very much" I said pulling my hair back from my face slowly.

"So who are you?"

"Uriel Ladedou Warlock and Guidance of Joellea Amilia Awkins witch of the Jasmine Garden"He said bowing his head slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"In other word I'm your protector and fighter." he said.

"ok, and what garden are you talking about?" I asked eyeing him as I settle down on my now dried bed.

"I have been set to protect your Garden since you were born. I watch it bloom to life as you grow. Its very beautiful." he said

"I don't understand,"

"You will soon but right now you need to rest and get lessons" he said.


"I'll teach you everything you need to know before Sriel attack."

"Who is Sriel?"

"My bad twin." he answered.

"You have a twin no wonder I drew you twice." I said shaking my head.

" You need to rest to regain your strength Joellea." he whispered as I slowly collapse back onto my bed.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshing and rested, for once I woke with a slight smile. I push myself of the bed glancing around to see if Uriel was still here but there was no sign of him.  

"Jo" I heard my brother opening the door to barge in.

"Morning beautiful, you look rested" he said opening the windows as Cayden and Catherine walk in break fast and lunch.

"Morning" I smiled getting up.

"You mean Good Afternoon," Cayden said.

"Then why didn't you wake me up?" I asked rushing to the bathroom to wash my face.

"I told them not to," a familiar voice said. I look out to see Uriel smiling at me.

"Really? How did you get past Mr possessive," I asked staring at Cayden who hand me a towel.

"Let say that your brother keep him occupied with some reading facts." he grin

"Trust me I have a dictionary brain now"Cayden chuckle, I smiled and walk over to Catherine who hand me my hair brush.

"Honey are you awake?" Mom asked walking in with a small gift bag.

"Yes mom"I mumble as she hugged me. she had on a pale blue dress with snakes on them.

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