2| Beautiful Mistakes

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Chapter Two| Beautiful Mate

«Joella P.O.V»

I work up with a blurry mind but within it I keep seeing those beautiful and mesmerizeing eyes. I shook my head thrice and pulled the spread off my body to see I was still in my outfit from yesterday.

I stumble swiftly off the bed almost colliding on the carpet. I straighten myself and went slowly towards the bathroom where I had a shower, brush my teeth and hair choosing to put it in a ponytail. After retiring from the bathroom I stood up infront of my new closet starring at the count less clothing with no idea what to wear.

"Honey are you ready? your ride is here," Aunt Joanna called from the door.

"I'll be out in a minute," I said dragging a black skinny jeans off a rack along with a pink cotton blouse.

"ok" I heard her say before heading down the stairs. I quickly slip into my outfit and check it out in the mirror.

"I adore the top" an unfamiliar voice said. I turn to see a red hair girl dress in blue knickers and white tank top smiling at me.

"Thanks" I manage to say, starring at her as she walk over my closet picking up my blue wedge.

"Wear these they look fabulous," she smiled handing me the shoes.

"Thanks but I only wear those on special occasions" I said to her.

"Alright no biggie wear these" she said handing me my blue and black converse.

"Thanks" I said eyeing her closely.

"Sorry I'm Ariel"She grin at me.

"Nice to meet you," I half smiled at her. As she started to check out my studio corner.

"You drew these?" she question picking up one of my sketch pad and skipping through it.

"Yea" I answered taking up my locker jacket. I always make sure I have it, you never know you have to sit in an Air condition room for four hours freezing to death.

"I never believe Luna, When she said how fantastic your work is" she smiled.


" sorry I mean Aunt Joanna" she said quickly before turning her gaze back to my art work.

"So why did you called her that?" I pressed.

"Nothing really it's just a nickname we call her sometimes"she shrugged slightly.

"well lets go my boyfriend is she waiting" she beams before rushing out the door.

Boyfriend?. I quickly pick up my journal and sketch pad, along with my cellphone and my twilight novel breaking dawn. I went down the stairs to see two male, a young one and a older one hugging Aunt Joanna from behind.

"Morning" I said softly but loud enough so they all could hear.

"Good morning, I'm darien, her soulmate" he grin.

"Nice to meet you I'm Joella" I said shaking his warm hands, they were to warm for my liking.

"I'm Jonah," The older man said before pulling me into a teddy bear hug.

"Nice to meet you," I breath looking at him with a smile.

" Joella he's also my husband and he's a hugger" Joanna said as I notice a familiar tattoo on her right arm, just like grandma.

" ok here is your lunch money," she said handing me a pink purse. I took it from her as I check how much was inside.

"Isn't this too much for a single day?" I asked.

" Mom only use to give me quarter of this when we went shopping , I can't take all of this" I said.

"Consider it a house warming gift" jonah smiled at me.

"yea" Ariel pipe in.

"ok then, I'll just take a couple and leave the rest here" I said taking out a couple bucks. I hand Joanna the purse back before opening my neatly pack to receive my own purse.

"Wow! your bag is so in order," Ariel said with a smile.

" yea I hate to see my stuff all over the place" I smiled at them.

"Ok, lets hit the road, Don't want to be late on your first day" Darien spoke up, gripping Ariel hand into his.

" Bye Aunt Joanna." I hugged her.

"Nice to meet you again Uncle Jonah" I said before turning out the door to see a white range rover with Ariel and Darien kissing. Wow he own this vehicle, I wish I had my own Honda. I watch them pull apart as I jump in taking a deep breath. To a new school to be tortured again.

«Cayden P.O.V»

I nodded at a joke Jaxon said when a familiar scent hit my nose. I stood up straighter and inhaled deeply. It smelt like spearmint and a splash of jasmine. I couldn't help but closed my eyes automatically and inhale deeply. God it was intoxicating and mesmerizing.

The world faded suddenly into the background. I opened my eyes and I sniffed around trying to find where the scent was coming from. I pushed aside April who was leaning on me, I glance across through park to see Darien and Ariel talking to her.

she had jet black hair that was in a ponytail, She was in a cute fitted jeans with a pink blouse that fit her pale skin tone. She turn her head slighty in our direction as Ariel pulled her along with her towards us.

Mate!. The world escape from wolf as I saw her walk beside Ariel towards us.

" Jax is that your sister, she's smoking" Aaron said causing me to growl as everyone turns their head towards me.

" Mine!" I said to Aaron.

"Hey guys this is Joella, please don't scare her, she's shy"Darien announced placing his hands on her shoulder.

"I'm Jaxon" Jaxon said with a massive grin, then hugged her.

"Aaron" he piped in hugging her too.

"I'm Des, this asshole sister" she smiled and hugged her before. hitting Aaron in the head.

"Nice to meet you" she smiled, Damn that smiled it was mesmerizeing.

"I'm April his boyfriend" she smirk .

"Nice to meet you, you didn't have to be so Bitchy about it, I won't be stealing him after all school is about learning not sucking face" she said softly.

I heard everyone grasp. Feisty, me like. I watch April huff and walk off. I'll deal with her later.

"Sorry about that but I don't blend well with girls like her" she assure us.

"No problem I love you already,"Jaxon smirk.

"I'm Cayden and there's nothing going on with April and I" I beam.

"Nice to meet you" she smiled at me as she stare at my face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

" No it's your eyes they look familiar," she said. I smiled. "She recognized us" my wolf whispered.

"really ?" I question

"I don't know, they are beautiful" She said with her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"And you are beautiful" I smiled back at her.

"Thanks" she said blushing.

"ok, ok, lets go bell is going to ring" Jaxon announced slapping me on the back.

"Do you mind if I walk you to class?" I blurted out.

"No it's fine, Darien and Ariel offered to already" she said turning on her heels. As they both followed behind.

"She's feisty and sweet, she's going to have you begging on your knees" Jaxon chuckle before rushing off.

I smiled after him and slam my car door shut before heading in their direction. Damn she's beautiful. Ofcourse she's our mate.


P.S. Next Chapter: Beautiful Art :-)

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