Chapter 5 - Racing and Chasing and Pacing

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I said a goodbye to Anto, a grin creeping across my face as she winked playfully.

"Remember, if you need help getting him, ask me!" She laughed, before getting out of my car and waving. I waved back. 

It was already 7:49PM, and the sky was pretty dark - Neymar was probably already at his house by now, but I could check with Gerard or Shak to confirm where he was. I decided to call Ger, as Shaki wasn't too familiar with him.

"Hey Ger. Where's—" I started, before being interrupted by Geri.

"He's at his house, but I don't think he wants to see you." His tone was friendly, warm but a little concerned for Neymar. God, I wanted to punch him. WHY DOES HE NOT WANT TO SEE ME!? He really is overreacting. 

That's a problem with him - he's so fucking sensitive. Literally, I can't even say something without him bursting into tears in front of me (I hated writing this, I love Neymar). Honestly, I would tell him to man up a little, but I can't. He's too loving and sweet, yet still confident. I wish I had his confidence. If I did, I might be able to go and tell him how I feel.

"So, um, Geri, do you know why he doesn't want to see me?" I asked weakly.

"Well, probably because everyone saw that you were ignoring him during training today, and—"

"So if I go to him, I'm not exactly ignoring him now, am I?"

"Yes, but—"

"Thanks! Bye!" I exclaimed, hanging up. Just before I pressed the red button, I heard a groan of frustration.

Smiling, I got into the car, turning the radio on and humming to the song that was playing. I didn't know a word, but the tune was quite nice. Pressing the pedal, I drove faster than the wind as I rushed to Neymar's house, having been there quite a few times already. 

Don't ask why. 

Finally, as I reached his enormous house, I turned off the car engine and let out a breath I had been holding for the entire car ride. Okay. I needed to think. What was I going to say?

'Hey Neymar, I'm so sorry for treating you like that.'

'Neymar, I shouldn't have done that.'

'You're an amazing friend Neymar and I'm really sorry.'

Ugh. I slammed my head into the steering wheel. All those little phrases sounded so much like excuses — they sounded fake, like I didn't really want him back. That way. But regardless, I agonisingly clicked open the car door, gingerly getting out and tiptoeing my way towards Neymar's doorstep. With every little step, I almost heard my trainers squeak 'NEY!' 'NEY!' NEY!' but I ignored them. It seemed every single thing was against me in the world, even my Adidas, apparently.

Hesitantly, I approached the door and pressed the white doorbell. I heard a muffled chime ring through, and the clash of a dropped object. 1 second. Two seconds. Five seconds. Seven seconds. 13 seconds and he opened the door — his face was amiable but when he saw my face he froze, his hand locked on the door, clutching it and refusing to move it. 

"Neymar..." I began, looking up, expecting him to slam the door in my face, or interrupt me and yell—

He let go of the door and enveloped me in a tight hug, so much so that my feet were lifted off the ground. I could feel his steady breathing on my shoulder, and his arms were strong and safe around my waist, my own flung around his neck. I couldn't help but notice him laugh in relief, setting me down and gazing into my eyes with his beautiful green ones.

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