Part 3 - Civilised it is

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So sorry about the wait guys. I had written it but needed to type the chapter out. I have been ill recently so sorry for the delay.

I have the next chapter written so if i can get more Reads, Votes and Comments then i will type that up too and upload it.


Okay so here goes. Chapter 3! I hope you like it.


Lily's POV:

So as i'm sure you gathered from the last chapter, Max and i spent the rest of that evening and the next morning rummaging through all our clothes in the hope of finding an ideal outfit.

We succeeded in our mission at about 10:30am the next morning. The final result had me walking out the door nof our flat wearing a pair of pinky red skinny jeans with knee high brown boots, a long sleeved black t-shirt and my customary denim jacket.

As i strolled down Oxford Street to THE Cafe i definetly started getting nervous. Maybe he wouldn't show? Or maybe it s all a dream? Maybe i should Change My Mind and run home? Yeah, how about the last one? That sounds good.

Unfurtunately for me though what with all my internal rantings i had arrived at THE Cafe.

"C'mon C'mon, you can do this!" i mutter to myself.

I look at my watch and see that it is 10:58. I eventually decide it would be better if i just grit my teeth and get on with it, so with that i walk in.

I buy myself a Mocha and go and sit at the table we were at yesterday. Lucky for me he isn't here yet. Gives me some time to relax and gather my thoughts.

In the time that i had been sipping my Mocha and staring intently out of the window i hadn't realised a person who had sat down opposite me. When i realise i have finished my drink and go to stand to get myself another a hand shoots out and stops me. I jump and look at the owner of the offending hand.

" Woahh! Holy mother of, Porkupines! Harry! When did you get here?!"

"About 7 minutes ago" He says cheerfully.

"Well why did you just sit there and not get my attention? That seems kind of creepy..."

"You seemed quite engrosed in your thoughts. It would have been rude to interupt."

"Ahh, you do have manners!" I say feining surprise.

With that said he takes my mug and goes off to the counter to buy me another drink. All with a silly dimpled smile playing on his lips.

Whilst he is walking back to our table with our drinks i start thinking about just how dreamy he is. What with his gorgeous chocolatey curls, cheeky dimpled smile and toned physique, he really is as close to perfection as a human being can be.

He sits down with a twinkle in his eye.

"You really need to learn to check people out more subtley Lil" He laughs.

I blush "Haha, woops... I'll improve with practise i'm sure" I giggle.

Oh sweet lord of pineapples above. I. Just. Giggled.

"Okay, so seeing as this is a first date, tell me about yourself?" Harry grins at me.

"Um, okay, well... You know my name is Lily Turner. My middle name is Elise. I love little children and animals, although don't people say they are the same?" I laugh "I love to sing, i work at Hollister, up the road. I have ridden horses since i was 1 but dont anymore as living in the city there isn't much opportunity. I hate nuts an arrogant people. Your turn!" I say grinning "Oh, and i'm 18."

"Well, my name is Harold Edward Styles. I also love children, and cats. I too love singing. I work at a little music shop in Knightsbridge with my best friend Louis. I hate when people say nasty things without a reason. And i'm 19." He replies.

"Nice. You'll have to show me where you work sometime. Another thing about me is that i share a flat with my friend Mackenzie, although she prefers to be called Max."

"I share a flat with my friend Zayn." He smiles.


Harry's POV:

"Louis actually said he'd meet me here later."

Maybe i shouldn't have said that. She stopped smiling. It sounds like i have another commitment now! Which i don't. He just wanted to meet Lily. Oh well. I'll just leave it.

"How about 20 questions? I start?" I suggest

"Okay!" She grins.

I love her smile. She should smile all the time. It makes me smile.

"Favourite colour?" I ask

"Hmm, blue and white? You?"

"Blue! Favourite band?"

"Ooo, Fleetwood Mac, Frank Turner, The Beatles, Little Mix! You?" She laughs

"Quite a mix then? John Mayer and The Ramones. Food?"

"Italian, you?"

"Most anything" I grin "Fears?"

"Uh, heights and deep water. You?"

"Spiders" I cringe "If you could change one thing in your life Lily, what would it be?" I ask seriously

"I would probably have my..."

Just then we are interupted by a rather feminine cry.

"HARRYYYYY!" Louis yells happily

Ugh, he really does pick his moments doesn't he? I mean i was just about to find out what Lils would change in her life. It's a really interesting question.

"Hello Louis, hey Emma"

I smile at them but as i look to Lily my smile fades. She does not look to happy. As i follow her gaze i realise she is looking at Emma with a strange look of surprise on her face.

"Emma." She nods

"Lily." Emma says in the same reserved but respectful tone and returns the nod.


Lily's POV:

Why is she here?! I suppose she is with Louis. Well this is awkward. Louis and Harry are looking between us pretty confused.

I give a look to Emma to say lets just act cool. She nods in responce.

You see the thing is, we have this weird hate-hate relationship which began when we were alot younger. We actually used to be friends but now we really dont like each other. You'll understand the reason as we go along but now we try not to fight and respect each other. We have a history.


Emma's POV:

Ugh, of course she would be here. We had had too long a time gap since our last run in. Not much we can do really. Civilised it is.


Both girls plaster smiles on their faces and turn to the boys who look utterly perplexed. The boys shake their heads and sit down.

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