Part 1 - A Mocha and a T-shirt please?!

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I have been living in London now for just about 1 year. Living here wasn't a choice, it was necessary. I got a full time job and commuting cost to much. I don't dislike living in the city, don't get me wrong, it can be awesome. But, I miss the countryside, the fields and the little lanes. Y'know what I mean?

It's been 2 months since dad died. And here I am walking down Oxford street with a Mocha from Costa listening to the songs that he loved on my iPod. I'm not really paying attention to my surroundings, i'm just thinking and remembering. Holding back the tears.

I say i'm holding back the tears, well, i was until i walk into someone. Now i'm just bawling. You know the old cartoons you used to watch as a kid where the tears looked like a fountain? Yeah, i'm pretty sure thats how i looked. Thank the lord i wore no make up!

I hear a voice above me talking to me and i've been so wrapped up in my own world that i didn't realise up until now. Thats when i realise...

"My Mocha! Your shirt! Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, i was kinda... Distracted"

"Well i could see that, i have been trying to ask you if you're okay for the last couple of minutes."

"Really? Sorry" I say Sheepishly "I should buy you a new shirt, i have ruined the one you're wearing"

"And i should buy you a new Coffee"

"Mocha, actually"

"Woops, my bad"

"Soo..." I trail off

"How about we start with an introduction? I'm Harry, and you are?"

"Turner, Lily Turner" I smile. Damn he's cute!

"James Bond fan?"

"Yes. But who doesn't know that line?!" I say incredulessly

"I should introduce you to my friend, he won't watch them"

I just stand there with my mouth hanging open.

"You'll catch flys if you keep that up"

I immediately snap my mouth shut.

"How about this coffee again? And i'll buy you a shirt on the way there. Primark good for you for the time being?" I give a cheeky grin.

"Sounds like a good plan. Lead the way!"

I lead him to a near by by Cafe that i know does really good drinks. He is so cute! He has dimples and EVERYTHING! And oh my lord, he has curly hair! I am such a sucker for curly locks... No idea why though. Maybe it's because i have straight hair... Hmm...

"HERE!" I shout and proceed to create a grand entrance.

Harry just laughs and walks in, normally, behind me! I am kind of a regular here as it's quite near to where i work so i come here for lunch.

"Hey Lily! What can i get you? And who is this fine gentleman?" The lady at the counter (?) says.

"I owe her a Mocha. We walked into eachother and i ended up with the contents of her last one rather than her!"

"Harry, I think we both know it was entirely MY fault we ended up crashing. I was in my world!" I protest.

"Uhuh? Anyway, one large Mocha to go please, with cream!"

He even got me cream! I am in heaven! Curls, dimples, tall, handsome! What more could a girl want?!

And i realise i have been off in my own world again, day dreaming, staring into space and not paying attention to a word he has said... Again!

I laugh, awkwardly.

We sit down at a table and i happily watch Harry as i sip my "burn your mouth and turn it into a talking blister" Mocha.

"So how come you are in London? You don't sound like you come from london" He asks

"I live here, you?"

"I live here too. How come you burst into tears when we bumped into eachother?"

Oh dear... Um... What do i say? I dont want to sound like i want sympathy and i dont want his pity either.

"Um, i-i had alot on my mind" I answer hesitantly

"You don't seem too sure?"

"I'd rather not go into it thanks. Besides, i barely know you!"

"Thats true. It's okay, i won't push it"

Okay, that went okay. I just don't want to go into it again and start crying. He really does seem nice. Even though i spilt my Mocha on him.

"Hey, could i get your number? I would love to talk to you again. Although preferably not with a shirt covered in coffee!" He laughs

"Mocha, actuallty. But yes, i would like that. Here, lets swap phones and add our numbers."

He takes out an iPhone and i take out my old Nokia brick.

"How come you have that?" He asks pointing at my phone.

"My HTC got stollen a week or 2 ago. I can't really afford a new one at the moment."

"Oh i see! Sorry about that."

He takes my phone as i take his and i add my number. We swap back and look to see what he put his name as. I am about to point out the odd name but he beats me too it.

"Mocha, actually. Really? Not even your real name? I like it. Mysterious Lily"

"You can talk! Hot Coffee Shirt Guy! Imaginative right there!" I laugh.

"I've got to go. I have a meeting in 5 and i forgot! If i don't get there on time my boss will end up keeping me UP ALL NIGHT writing up the minutes"

"Oh okay! I'll see you around then i guess haz?" I stick my tongue out.

"Definitely!" He grins and saunters out of the Cafe.

This afternoon has just turned into a very very good one. I decide it is also time for me to go. I get up, grab my bag, thank Olivia the Barista and walk out with a silly grim on my face.


So that is my first chapter done. I might improve it and add to it later but that is the beginning! I hope you like it.

Well guess what? I did add more.

What do you think of it so far? Is Harry famous and in One Direction yet or is he just an ordinary lad? It's up to you guys! Leave comments and I will decide from that.

P.s. Sorry about the spelling etc.

Love Moi! xxxx

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