Part 2 - Like does he have a friend?

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Lily's POV:

After skipping, hopping and running whilst humming along to the songs playing on my iPod I eventually got home.

I share a really cute little flat near Regent’s Park with my friend Mackenzie Anderson (Max for short) who I have known since I was 5. The flat has two bedrooms, a living room a kitchen and one bathroom. Both my room and Max's room are virtually the same. One bed in the middle of the room, a desk opposite the bed, a chest of drawers next to the bed on the right hand side and a massive bookshelf covering the entirety of the left wall. The living room is super cosy with a big sofa and matching armchair made with this gorgeous dusty sky blue velvet. It’s amazing what you can find in charity shops and antique shops! Then we have a coffee table in the middle of the room, although it doesn’t often have coffee on it as it is covered in magazines. Oh and we have a little electric fire that looks awfully real that is in the wall opposite the sofa.

I bet you’re thinking I’ve forgotten something. Well I haven’t. We don’t have a TV. Crazy? Nope, we just have our laptops so watch what we want on there instead.

By the time I got home Max was already home cooking supper. I skipped into the kitchen to get myself a hot chocolate and was met with Max frozen mid mix staring at me.

“What?” I ask innocently

“Nothing” She grins to herself

“Tell meee!” I whine.

“Well, you skipped in here”

“I always skip!” I interrupt indignantly

“Yes but not with such a silly grin on your face! What’s got you so happy clappy?”

I look away blushing slightly. She puts down her cooking things, grabs my arm in one hand and my chocolate in the other and precedes to frog march me to the sofa where she makes me sit looking at her intent face.

"Well I met a guy." I say

"Oh my god! Are you kidding?! Is he cute? Like does he have a friend?!" Max all but screams at me grease style

"No i'm not kidding, yes he is and Max love, sorry to break it to you honey but we aren't in Grease" I laugh

"Okay fine, but tell me all about it then!"

"Only if you promise not to interupt" I say

"Fine." She sighs. "Get on with it then!"

I then proceed to tell her all about my meeting Harry. By the end she has her head in her hands.

"Only you Lil could manage to spill your Mocha on a cute guy, cry and STILL get his number!" She cries.

"Hey! It's not like I plan these things! I was having a bad day thinking about Dad."

We both pause for a moment and then look at each other and grin giddily.

"You know I haven't seen you smile like this since..." She trails off

"Since Dad passed you mean?"

"Yeah, I like it though. Sad doesn't suit you!" She sticks her tongue out childishly.

"Maybe the mourning period is over?"

She grins again, "Lets hope!".

Harry's POV:

Well atleast the meeting went well. Now I will be able to get the time off!

As I unlock the front door to my apartment the sound of someone singing Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi at the top of their voice asaults my ears.

"Zayn!" I yell over the singing. "Turn it down!"

Just after I yell this a shower and the music gets turned off. A few minutes after that into the room walks zayn with a towel slung carelessly around his hips and his hands running through his now damp hair.

"How did the meeting go?" He asks

"Good, the boss said I could have the time off." I grin

"Well that's good. Now we can start practicing with the guys. Louis called by the way. He said to call him tomorrow."

I don't say anything in responce as i'm just thinking about Mocha girl. What was her name? Oh yeah, Turner, Lily Turner. James Bond style. I giggle to myself. She was so adorable.

I jump as I realise Zayn clicking his fingers in front of my face now fully clothed in track suit bottoms and a vest.

"What? Sorry" I say sheepishly

"Haz you just totally zoned out on me for like 5 minutes."

"Sorry man, I was thinking." I trail off

"Ooo! What has got little Harry's attention now?"

"Oh just a girl"

"Is she hot? How do you know her? Like does she have a friend?"

"Zayn you have a girlfriend and let me explain!"

So I tell him about how I met Lily and through the whole story he just grins.

"What is with the grinning?!" I ask

"Nothing just that you haven't had a girl catch your interest since like... April? And its August now."

"Yeah well i'm still not rushing into anything, okay?"

"Sure man." He winks and saunters back into his room.

Hmm, should I text her? Is it too soon? No, come on. It's cool. Just play it casual.

Harry: Hey, how are you? :)

Lily: Hey! I'm great. You?

Harry: I am pretty F.A.B

Lily: I hope you weren't late for your meeting! How did it go?

Harry: I was like a minute late but it was fine. It went well thanks :)

Lily: Good :)

Harry: So... What are you doing tomorrow?

Lily: Nothing, why do you ask? :)

Harry: Want to have a Mocha with me at THE Cafe?

Lily: I would be honoured! Haha

Harry: 11am Tomorrow at THE Cafe?

Lily: That sounds lovely :) see you!

Harry: See you there! :D x

Yes! I just bagged myself a coffee with Lily! Get in!

"Yesss! Woo!" I yell

"I take it you got yourself a date with the girl then?" Zayn called from his room.

"Yes" I say grinning.

Bring on tomorrow!

Lily's POV:

He asked me out for coffee! YAY! Eeek!

"Max! I have a date tomorrow!" I yell towards her room

"You serious?!" She yells back

"Yes! Now help me find a suitable outfit!" I call

For the rest of the evening we spend our time drinking wine and dressing up. Rading your friends chest of drawers and wardrobe can be so much fun!


So there you have it. The next Chapter! Hope you like it ans there is more description!

Love Moi xxxx

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