-Chapter 19-

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Tweek's POV

Today is Saturday and yesterday me and Craig met up at school, talked for a bit, he wanted to ask if we could hangout at some point, I agreed and now he's coming over at four, to have a sleepover. He wanted to have it at his house, but I reminded him that his father dislikes me due to our history together, but at least Miss Laura Tucker doesn't hate me. He texted me at like eleven last night saying his mom said he can go.

As I was setting up my room, since I had a fuck ton of empty coffee cups on my side table and work clothes spread out randomly throughout my floor, I saw a little hint of blue coming through one of the shirts, I picked up the shirt threw it in the hamper, and saw that the blue was a tiny knitted blue hat the same color as Craig's, small enough to fit a doll, surely it was one of the old Stripe's hats, I grabbed it and tossed it onto my keyboard on my desk. I Bluetoothed by phone to my small TV, and turned it onto one of my Spotify playlists, the one I use to clean and work too, which usually consists of 80s breakfast club type of stuff with death punk metal, and some alternative rock. People always spectated, that since I look so "soft and anxiety ridden" which that doesn't effect what people listen to. Like Cartman looks like he'd listen to some political music, but listens to lady gaga - government hooker, the only political type of music he listens to. Oh and also the screams of his enemy's... Aka Scott Tenorman and Kyle. Unlike Butters who listens to his own screams of terrors.

I hear a knock on my door and I quickly check the clock making sure I had enough time, it was only two-fourteen. I then hear the door open without me telling them to come in, probably due to my silent response.

"Hey there kiddo, what are you doing?" My dad came into my view leaning his body against the doorframe. "Just cleaning, Craig's coming over that's why." I then start to tie the trash bag I had in hand, "You know I don't really like that guy much, but whatever makes you happy son." He said with hesitation. "I already asked mom, and she said I could as long as my room was spotless, and that I cleaned up the coffee stains on my sheets." "Is that why the dryer is going? But son be careful I don't want him to try anything to hurt you, like that Kenny did. I don't need anymore bad influence on you like he did." I scoff, "Craig is better than him, Kenny is basically the definition of a possum. I already beat Kenny's ass anyways, and me and Craig have fought before and I'd obviously win." He then hands me the cup I failed to notice he had, "Here take this your gonna need it, I remember he liked to stare at the sky at night, the same way I like to stare at our coffee shop" "Shouldn't you be stating at mom like that? Not a building?" I question. "Yeah yeah well your mother has lost her touch we are getting older, and she just isn't as incredible as before." He says bluntly. "You sound like Randy Marsh, right now." "I am nothing like that filthy weed dealer" I laugh at that, "So what's our company's speciality made out of sugar? Because we all know it's meth. Cartman has blackmail over your head. You just don't know it." He throws his hand up in the air in anger then composes himself. "Nevermind then Tweek, have fun with your space boyfriend." I rolled my eyes, "He's not my boyfriend...at least right now." "Oh so you are thinking about taking his offer then, is that why you're starting to invite him over again?" I hesitantly nodded.

I really did miss Craig, but after what happened with Kenny and me becoming somewhat of a asshole to the people of South Park, I just don't want Craig to get attached like he is to Stripe, but turns out he is seemingly looking pretty attached right now trying to get me back essentially. I wasn't going to let that stop having hangouts again, because it made me feel like a kid and I could just be myself around him, unlike at Kenny's I felt I'd have to pretend to be something I wasn't. Which nobody likes to do.


Craig texted me that he was heading over to my place, it was only a short drive for him. I was nervous, but I told myself to be calm and it was nothing to worry about, yet there was something to worry about, everything could go wrong he could explain how he hates my guts or that he wants to kill me or that he has a girlfriend though that is unlikely. He's too much of a space nerd for a girl to like him, but I've seen a spike online in girls that like geeky nerdy guys, so who knows.

I hear a knock at the door, and I rushed over almost tripping on the worn down couch in the process. I hear another knock more aggressive like someone in a horror movie trying not to get killed by the main killer usually people find those killers attractive, I personally do not though.

I get at the door and quickly open it to see, a tall guy around 5'10, black hair looking like it's been messed with, wearing a old vintage nasa jacket with some patches on the pockets, and I look down to see a little carrier in his hands, resembling of a polly pocket, just bigger and some holes on the sides. I see a slight blur of a furry creature in it, knowing that was Stripe having the zoomies.

"Are you gonna let me in? Or just bask in my beauty" He says in a sarcastic tone. I move myself out of the way, so he could get by and he sets his bag down. Reaches in their and grabs a tiny white bowl, "I have to get him some water." With that he quickly ran to the refrigerator and pressed it on the water setting and sat there for a few seconds until it was filled about 3/4s of the way.

"Why is Stripe's carrier so small I thought you didn't like animal confinement?" He let's Stripe out of the cage onto the table and set the bowl down next to him, "It's because I left the other one at my father's house and I won't see him for awhile, it was also a pretty expensive carrier that I had, so I just bought a cheap one and would only bring Stripe with me to places I know he can roam free and not get himself killed." I see Stripe immediately go out, and walked over to the bowl sat his ass down, started drinking the water. "I thought they needed to drink from that bottle thing that hangs on their cage?" He just shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah well I didn't want to keep him in there any longer and I need to set up a temporary cage in your room so I am going to do that now." He then just leaves and runs up to my room, leaving me alone with Stripe.

After a few minutes I decide to head upstairs. I took Stripe carefully in my arms and walked upstairs, and when I opened my door I saw a whole fort made with a bunch of blankets thrown around the room, so much for cleaning.

"Put him around this, I made an area to where he can't escape and roam your house free." He patted his hand down near a place with a fake carpet material. I set Stripe down and he waddled over to Craig.

It has been a few hours and we haven't really talked much, just a few comments here and there about Kyle and Tolkien's tik toks. With screenshotting Stan's comments on the videos. It was awkward because I usually don't know what to do within a few hours until it's like 1am and I am bouncing off the walls, when the coffee kicks in.

We decided to watch some movies to wait til it got darker to watch the stars, we binged watched the Bee movie and started the movie Venom. We destroyed the fort, since it took up too much space but we still kept Stripe's area so he wouldn't piss on my actual carpet. We were on my bed watching Venom, and Craig didn't even take off his shoes he just got in the bed with everything on, and grabbed Stripe and put him on his stomach. "Are you going to take off anything to get yourself comfortable?" I asked him, "I'm fine." Craig wasn't much of a talker he just did responses here and there. Unless he was controlling the media, like when he made a YouTube channel and school news to where he drew everyone in, with cute animals. I think he could do well in a field with animals or at least a side job with that.

We finished the movie and he decided it was time to watch the stars, we went outside and he just plopped himself on the snow and looked up, he looked in his element, he actually moved his face muscles into a smile. Something so rare on him to see he looked beautiful in that moment. "Tweek are you gonna come and sit down here?" I shook my head no in response, "I don't want to get my ass wet." He just rolled his eyes, "your a fucking pussy you know that right." And that was the Craig I knew coming back to me. "At least I didn't lose our fight back in 4th grade." "I didn't even fucking start it you dick." "Wasn't it really Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny?" "Oh... I forgot about thay part we really need to get back at them for that, and for the time they basically made us breakup for superheros." "Yeah" Then it became silent once again for a few minutes until he spoke up, "The moon is pretty tonight isn't it?" I nod, "It sure is" But I caught myself staring at him instead of the sky, I suddenly felt embarrassed and looked away from him, "I have to go to the restroom, I'll be back!" I quickly said and ran inside to my bathroom.

What the hell was that about I can't like him again.

-TO be continued-


sorry yall I started soccer again, but I'll try to update at least one a month or more and I wrote this mainly in orchestra and I didn't know what to do for the sleepover so if you guys have any suggestions for late night mischief then be my guest

Words 1860

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