Chapter 4: The first Enemy arrival

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Vegito: (Vegito slowly opens his eyes, he then sees some blurry images but then is soon restored) Ow my....head.

Gogeta: Vegito!, You okay pal?

Vegito: I'm fine......wait.........did you call me "pal"?

Gogeta: Yeah! You are my pal after all! In Fact, your like my brother!

Vegito: (he then pushes Gogeta aside lightly and gets up in a sitting position.)
To be honest, I wouldn't go that far Gogeta. We are nobody's we are just 2 fighters merged and that's it.

Gogeta: But....aren't those 2 fighters merged permanently? Like Fu said?

Vegito: No....Maybe Fu is lying or Maybe-

Xeno Goku: You know, Fu can hear us right now right?

Vegito: Hmph.....Anyways, we must move onward from this place, time is running short and we need to gather as much fighters as we can, for our better chance of winning. Besides, if we stay here longer, it may attract enemies to attack us.

Android 21: Vegito is right, according to my predictions, this place is now hostile and may attract more enemies like Vegito said.

Xeno Goku: Yep, now let's move on-

Suddenly the four heard a loud thunderous voice yelling the name "Gogeta", a figure lands between the four, a large, humanoid, white, black and blue Dragon. Two large, fleshy horns emerge from the top of his head, and a pair of tiny feelers emerge from his upper lip, giving the appearance of a mustache. Long black spikes protrude from his shoulders, elbows, back, and knees. Two more fleshy spikes protrude from the sides of his chest, and his abdomen and the back of his head are dark blue.

Gogeta: What the-

Android 21: H-Huh?

Vegito: The hell?

The humanoid like creature land on his feat on the ground, he investigated Gogeta ignoring the other three

???: Metamoran Jacket, baggy pants.......It is you!......the famous fusion Gogeta-Da.

Gogeta: Who are you?!! And how do you know my name?!

Omega Shenron: Silence! Allow me to refresh your memory......I am Omega Shenron......We're here because of you.It all started with you - my world is crumbled because of your actions. You broke the dimension, and then destroyed my world, all the shadow took everything from me.......this..this all? Is all your fault, your dimension breaking skills took an interest on Fu because he saw what you were capable of.

Gogeta: I-Im...sorry....I don't know my dimension breaking attack would destroy your world!

Omega Shenron: If you feel so bad about it, then maybe death should be your penance!

Gogeta: Goku, you ready to show this dragon what we are capable of?

Xeno Goku: Hell yeah!!!! About time I get to fight.

Vegito: I'm coming too...(As Vegito said in a weak voice)

Gogeta: Hey hey! You should rest ya know! Fu already did some damage to your neck, it may take some time to recover, we won't be risking you being your neck cracked!

Xeno Goku: Yeah! Besides, you can fight after you recover. Now! Let's do this

Gogeta and Xeno Goku power up to their Super Sayian transformation! Shaking the lands completely as they went onto their stance!

Gogeta and Xeno Goku power up to their Super Sayian transformation! Shaking the lands completely as they went onto their stance!

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Omega Shenron powered up and went to his stance as well!

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Omega Shenron powered up and went to his stance as well!

Omega Shenron powered up and went to his stance as well!

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Omega Shenron: Prepare to die Sayians!!

Xeno Goku And Gogeta: Come at us!

The battle began with Goku and Gogeta using their ultimate strength to take on Omega Shenron. They each displayed powerful and precise attacks to weaken the great dragon, but Omega Shenron was unfazed. As the battle raged on, the two Saiyan warriors worked in unison, launching beams of energy at their enemy and outmaneuvering the dragon with swift dodges and jumps.Goku and Gogeta fire off a powerful Kamehameha wave, but Omega Shenron counters with a powerful negative Karma blast. The two powerful forces collide and create a massive shockwave. The two warriors fight fiercely, using their most powerful techniques, but Omega Shenron is powerful and relentless. Then, Omega Shenron using the help of his two arms, knocks down Goku and Gogeta to the ground (just like black freiza did to mui Goku and ultra who vegeta)

Xeno Goku: Kck! He's too.....s-strong....Kck!

Gogeta: His horns make it difficult as heck...(as he panted and panted)

Omega Shenron: Ha ha ha ha!!!!! Did you two really think you can beat the great and powerful dragon? (He then at lightening speed grabbed Gogeta by the neck and tossed him over to the sky and grabbing his neck again, floating on the sky)

Xeno Goku: Gogeta!

Gogeta: (While choking) K-kck!!! ........

Omega Shenron: Aw.....what wrong? Feeling humiliated? I'll show what humiliated really is!!

Omega Shenron used his powerful grip to slowly tighten his hold on Gogeta. He punched his stomach as he screamed in pain, before lifting him high into the sky and further agonizing him with his torturous grip. Gogeta's agonized cries echoed through the air as he struggled helplessly in Omega Shenron's grasp.

Vegito: No!!!! Agh, I gotta help him!

Android 21: I want to too!! But didn't Gogeta warned you about your neck?!

Vegito: My neck can go straight to hell! (As he launches himself towards omega Shenron.)

Vegito flew up to save Gogeta. He punched Omega Shenron with all his strength, sending him flying away. Gogeta moaned in pain, but Vegito was already there, protecting him from any more harm

Vegito: Hey! It's okay, I'm here!

Gogeta: Agh......ah!

Omega Shenron lashed at Vegito, knocking him out as his neck........did a slight crack and taking gogeta and choking him again!

Omega Shenron: Die Sayian! DIE!!

Luckily, Xeno Goku came to the rescue as he uttered "Power pole! Extend" poking Shenron's eye as he grunted and he dropped Gogeta but luckily Goku grabbed him just in time!

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