Chapter 2 : Xeno Goku!

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Gogeta and Vegito, sat for a moment on the barren wasteland arena, having deep thoughts on who should we recruit from our universe.

Gogeta: (As Gogeta stroke his chin, thinking about the fighters of universe 7, who they could recruit)

Vegito: Hey Gogeta, Do you have in mind on who we should recruit?

Gogeta: Well actually, I was thinking we could get Gohan or maybe android 17?

Vegito: Well that is a good choice...but Gohan, I don't think he's strong enough to be in the team. Since he slacks of his training, sits on his ass all day long.

Gogeta: How about 17, he did help Goku win the tournament of power........

Vegito: Yeah.....How about Freiza?? No, he is way too evil.

Somebody was watching the 2 Sayian's, on a tree looking at them in the shadows as he accidentally tipped on the tree branch which fell to the ground.Gogeta hovered towards the branch.

Gogeta: Vegito.....we are being watched.....

Vegito then hovered his head towards the tree and shot a small ki blast at it, destroying the tree completely, a Sayian jumped from the tree quickly and landed safely to the arena

Vegito then hovered his head towards the tree and shot a small ki blast at it, destroying the tree completely, a Sayian jumped from the tree quickly and landed safely to the arena

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Gogeta: Who the hell are you??? (As Gogeta was in his fighting stance, he then realised it......was his other half). Wait a minute........... isn't that Goku? Our half?.

Vegito: Hmm..????

Xeno Goku: Potara earrings........wait is that the fusion...?(As he said and then hovered his head towards Gogeta) and that jacket......Gogeta and.....Vegito?.

Gogeta: Yeah....wait.....if your Goku..then why am I still fused....

Xeno Goku: Oh! My mistake! I'm Xeno Goku! I'm a time patroller, not from this universe of course!.

Vegito:Oh! Now it makes sense........

Xeno Goku: Not gonna lie, so this is what our fusion looks like? But, the appearance maybe  different...comparing to our version of Gogeta and Vegito.

Gogeta:Hmph! Wait, so is there a Vegeta too?.

Xeno Goku: indeed, but I can't seem to find him.

Vegito: Hey half-me, How about you join our team?

Xeno Goku: Umm, I would like to...but

Gogeta: Come on Goku!! We need to recruit as many team members as possible, in order for the sake of the universe.

Vegito: Wait if he joins our team, and we won.....that doesn't that mean-

Fu: (Interrupting Vegito......And his voice seems to be echoing towards the arena, like a microphone) Oops!!! Sorry Sayians!! My mistake...I apologize.....If xeno Goku happens to join your team....and if you won, which again you will not! His universe will be saved if two universes combine......that would make one heck of a tournament!!! Adiós Sayian's! (As Fu no more spoke, in like a microphone voice)

Gogeta: That Fu guy makes me mad. Always confident on our team losing.

Vegito: I wouldn't be confident if I were him!!

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