Chapter 5: The Shadow Dragons Fate!

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Xeno Goku: Gogeta buddy! You okay?

Gogeta: Don't worry about me! V-Vegito!

Xeno Goku: Vegito? Oh?.....oh no!!

As Xeno Goku ran over to Vegito checking his pulse.

Android 21: Gogeta! Are you okay?

Gogeta: I-Im....f-fine!

Omega Shenron: Now! I'll take everything away from you!

Android 21 was startled as Omega Shenron released a ki blast headed straight for her. Suddenly, she was enveloped in a warm light, Gogeta had saved her.

Gogeta: 21! Phew! You okay there?

Android 21: Y-Yes....Thank you....(21 felt a warmth that she hadn't felt before as Gogeta stepped in and saved her. Her cheeks lit up in a rosy hue as her gratitude for her savior erupted from within her. She was humbled and amazed by the show of power and strength displayed. She felt a connection to Gogeta that she just couldn't explain, and couldn't suppress the blush that spread across her face. She felt like she was truly being protected, and she was overcome by emotion.)

Gogeta smirked and gave a slight blush to Android 21

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Gogeta smirked and gave a slight blush to Android 21.....almost like.....he was

Gogeta's smirk was quickly wiped off his face as he felt a sharp punch to the gut from Omega Shenron

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Gogeta's smirk was quickly wiped off his face as he felt a sharp punch to the gut from Omega Shenron. He grunted in pain and stumbled to the ground. Then omega Shenron smashed a large Rock at Gogeta, covering him up like he was crushed.

Android 21: Gogeta!!! No!!!...

Xeno Goku: Agh! No!!!!

Omega Shenron: Ha! Now as he being put out of my way, I'll continue to take everything away from him! Starting with you (as he gave Android 21 a death stare)

Android 21 was frightened, as Omega Shenron was about to fire a ki blast at Android 21, A beam of light struck him! On his left was Gogeta as he pushed the rock out of his way! Gogeta unleashed an intense light, glowing with the power of a Super Saiyan God. He looked younger! His eyes was roundish and his hair turned red!

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