Chapter 1 : Prologue

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Fu: Well would you look at that!, Earth's mightiest warriors all in one place! One arena!.

Fu excitingly said while adjusting his glasses and looking to his GUI (A tab like screen) looking at the warriors who were in a wasteland like arena, being confused,dumb folded and provoked.

Gogeta: What the hell?, Where are we?.

As he confusingly said as he looked towards Vegito

Gogeta: Wait a minute, aren't you....My other self? Vegito.

Vegito: And aren't you.....Gogeta? Also my other self?.

The two fusions looked at eachother in confusion, as they were investigating the arena. Suddenly, Fu teleported using instant transmission Infront of the two Sayian's.

Gogeta: What the-?

Fu: Greetings, Gogeta and Vegito.

Gogeta and Vegito in unison: Who the heck are you?!

Fu: I am Fu, you two might be asking how you two got here?. Hmph! (As he said giving a light smirk) , I have gathered some of the universes Strongest fighters to participate in my very own Multiversal Tournament!.

Gogeta: Listen here,"Fu", I am no mood for fun and game's, you better teleport us back before I'll uppercut you in half! (As he clenched his first)

Fu:Hmm, Sayian's.....Always talking about fights and uppercuts blah blah blah, anyways, you can't leave my tournament unless you win, for proof, I have the power to destroy you two if I wanted to but.......I am giving you a chance for the sake of your universe.You,Gogeta and Vegito are from the same universe, however I did some time traveling, so it means Gogeta was from the time when he was fighting broly, Correct?

Gogeta: Well I did fight that broly guy, a while ago actually

Fu: And Vegito is from the timeline where he fought Zamasu, Correct.

Vegito: Now that you mention.....I was fighting Zamasu..

Fu: Excellent! Do you see that clock over there? (As Fu points to the clock on the sky, that was sort of like a digital one) You have exactly 46 Hours to gather the universes Strongest fighters, It's not necessary to be the same universe but I would suggest you to gather fighter's of your same universe.

Gogeta: Ha! Didn't you forget, me and Vegito have a time limit on our fusions! So we have already Doubled Goku's and Vegeta's.

Fu: (As he laughed at Gogeta's sentence) Ah! Good one Gogeta, but unfortunately, you two can't defuse so, even if you won my tournament which you wouldn't, you would still be stuck in your fusion's.....Forever!

Vegito: Agh you son of a!- (As Vegito hovered his fists towards Fu, Fu instantly dodges Vegito's fists, then he teleported far from Vegito and Gogeta)

Fu: Bye bye boys! Enjoy your tournament! Ha ha! (As Fu disappeared with a puff of smoke into thin air).

(I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1! See y'all in the next chapter! ~Author)

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