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Author's Pov

Freya aimlessly entered the church the only place that she knew could provide her a little solace, whole night she writhed in fever and for a few hours she actually wished for Leo to come and apologize for the way he behaved with her but instead, her aunt also advised her to end this engagement after all he didn't want her anymore.

How can her Leo change so much? She waited for him for so long, was her patience this much worthless that she didn't get any reward in return but a vicious punishment? The only man she ever thought about in her whole life was him, she devoted her life, heart, and even her soul to him then how could he crush her like that?

He was never this cruel, her Leo loved her beyond anything but now she had started to question herself. Was it really love or just a misunderstanding that she bored in her heart? He was protective and possessive in her matter ten years ago but now to think of it he was just a teenager. The moment he started collecting the sane pieces of his mind he accepted that he wouldn't comply with this childish engagement.

Leonard hated one thing his whole life, being forced to do something he didn't want to. The moment he heard about Freya being his fiance he started imagining his life with her but when he realized that indirectly he was being forced to be with a girl who didn't even have a proper degree to match his standards he stepped back. He didn't want her.

He never wanted her, this thought solely brought another wave of pain in her heart, she let her weak body slump on her knees before the statue of Jesus. Tears weren't ready to halt even for a second, the shock and pain were too much for her to avoid or hide like she usually did.

After a few minutes, she felt a presence in front of her, raising her swollen bloodshot eyes which met with familiar jet-black ones. "E-Evan," She sobbed out not doing any effort to be strong in front of him. He was the only man who has given her enough strength to be herself in front of her.

"Princess, what happened? Why are you crying so much?" Evan blabbered in worry, gently raising his hand he held her chin wanting to see her gloomy eyes.

"You're scaring me, Freya." He mumbled when she cried even more.

"H-He said he doesn't want me, Evan, he hates me!" She let out a few hiccups as she confessed her broken pieces before the baffled lad.

"Who? Freya, what happened?" She sobbed taking a deep breath before looking at him.

"Leo," She started and with extreme difficulty, she spread the whole scenario in front of him leaving the man frozen in the spot.

Evan might have only a six-year-old friendship with Freya but he had seen her blushing, longing, and waiting for that ungrateful man for years. She never showed any kind of desperation wanting to meet him or talk to him. He was surprised after seeing such a patient devotee for the first time in his whole life. He always considered Leo the luckiest man alive but now what?

The girl had spent literally a decade waiting for that bastard who claimed to have a girlfriend now and didn't want her, why the hell he didn't end this engagement earlier? Why did his parents keep on reminding her that she belonged to him when he himself didn't want her? Are they crazy?

Having no word of consolation for her he simply wrapped his arms around her shoulder pulling her shivering and crying frame in his strong ones hugging her warmly, Evan knew no matter how much he tried to comfort her she wouldn't be able to subside the pain of her heart being broken. At least not this early.

After a few minutes of hugging her and letting her cry, he decided to break the silence, "You should end this engagement Freya," The moment those treacherous words escaped his lips she jerked back staring at him with wide stunned eyes.

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