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Author's Pov

Sadly staring at the ceiling Freya had finally gotten hold of her emotions, she didn't want to cry and beat herself up for something that wasn't her fault. Maybe Evan was right there must be something good for her in the future that's why today she was provided with such a grave punishment.

All of the moments that they spent together in their childhoods flashed before her mind, she hardly shared 12 years of her life with Leo but even from those years she hardly remembered their interactions but a few of their encounters were still fresh in her mind. Her mind flashed that beautiful memory when he gifted her the bracelet she adored like her most prize possession.

It was her 12th birthday present from his side, it wasn't an expensive or antique bracelet but his sincerity and effort behind it left her adoring him to no end. He told her how he spend the money his father gave him to buy a watch for himself on buying that bracelet for her. This worn-out material might not be bought with extreme effort but nonetheless, she still embraced it with her whole heart.

Gloomily she for the first time in the past ten years made a move to actually remove this bracelet, she never even touched it with the thought of getting rid of it, under the shower, during bathing, or even while sleeping she never dared to even think of removing it but today she was skeptical of if it ever meant the same for him the way it did to her. She cherished it with her everything but maybe he didn't gift her with the same passion.

The moment she unclasped the bracelet a tear rolled down her eye kissing her slightly blushed cheek, she slowly removed the material letting several knives cut through her heart. Holding it tightly against her chest she closed shut her eyes in despair. Ten years! Was her wait worth nothing? Did he never miss her or think about her as she did?

Maybe he didn't. Of course, he didn't. He had found someone far better than her, someone, he considered matchable to his standard. Wiping her tear-stained cheeks she walked towards the dressing table before opening the first drawer. Gently placing the worn-out material in the front, she gazed at it with her anguished stare before finally sliding it in and closing it shut.

On the other hand, the dining table was arranged with several kinds of cuisines after all the one and only son of Steve's family had arrived after ten years of living in a foreign country. Everyone took their seats but the atmosphere was nowhere near being happy or peaceful. Sophia looked sad, Ajax as usual had an emotionless look on and Freya was nowhere to be seen.

A soft sound of giggling and deep chuckling echoed in the surroundings as Leonard made his way toward the dining table keeping his hand clasped with Janet's. They took their seats and for a few seconds Janet's eyes roamed around the room like she was trying to find someone but Ajax's voice interrupted her curiosity.

"Where is Freya? She didn't eat lunch and now she's skipping dinner too." Ajax's questioned his despaired wife who looked at him.

"She had soup a while ago, she's still not feeling well. Let her rest." Ajax didn't question or say anything further. He knew that innocent girl had been hurt more than she deserved to be, and he was kind of ashamed to say the reason was his son.

They started the dinner but Leo didn't ignore the disappointed glances his mother was giving him, even his father who never objected to any of his doings looked sour whenever he glanced at Janet which had successfully started annoying Leonard. He had no idea what magic that little girl had done to his family, even the servants looked empathic with that girl and were giving him blank looks.

Dropping his utensils on the plate he stared at his parents with an enraged gaze, "Can you guys stop? Can't I be with the woman I want? You already know I hate when something is imposed on me." Ajax didn't say anything but Sophia scoffed.

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