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George pushes himself up, rubbing his unbelievably sore ass with shaky hands. The boy has been bent over his boyfriend's lap for the past thirty minutes. Let's just say he is dying in pain. He tugs his boxers on carefully, hissing when the elastic waistband snapped. He side eyes the multiple cruel tools used to bruise his poor ass. Dream stands up, almost immediately wrapping his broad arms around the older’s thin waist. He hoists the boy up in the air, letting his legs cling around his own waist. George is small and light enough for Dream to hold like a toddler. He knows the older male enjoys it even if he acts against it. Seeing how he always obliges to wrapping his legs and arms around the taller man.

"Shh," The younger whispers, lightly swaying with the male now in his arms. "No more. You did so well as usual~" George could only whine and bury his face into Dream's neck. Dream couldn't help but coo at his precious boyfriend. His hand slowly migrates down his back, supporting him from under his ass. It is easier to hold him that way. Plus it puts a little less strain on the boy having to support himself. The boys could stay there for hours. Slowly swaying side to side while clinging to each other. Enjoying each other's comfort and warmth. Dream rubs his hand soothingly across the other's ass. He knows George will be feeling the pain for days. Dream didn't go lightly like normal. Limits meant nothing to him in the moment.

George snuck out the previous night to attend a party. Without telling anyone. Other guests at the party ended up snapping pictures of him with friends for Twitter. Everyone knows George is a homebody, but he knows way better than to sneak out without a goodbye or notice. The only reason Dream found out about the party is from the pictures spreading like wildfire. Don't get him wrong, Dream had no problem with him partying. The fact he never told Dream or even Sapnap about it is why he got spanked. He could've gotten hurt and the boys wouldn't know where he was. And of course broke their agreed curfew.

The older male sniffles against the boy's shoulder. He's lucky his boyfriend is so caring. He's certain if it were Sapnap who dealt the punishment, he would still be getting it right now. Dream carries the boy over toward the kitchen. The boy was crying and screaming earlier. He wants to make sure the boy is well hydrated after such a session. He's sure a cold drink will feel good on his throat. He carefully places him on the counter, only struggling a little to wiggle from the boy's tight hug. George instantly begins to whine as the warm comfort of the male leaves. He quickly reaches out his arms, making grabby hands like a toddler wanting to be picked up. Dream hurries to grab a water bottle and straw for the boy. His whines make Dream's heart break.

"Hey, Shh. I'm right here." He soothes, twisting open the water bottle cap to stick the straw into. "You cried so much. You need to refill your tears!" The younger one tries to make light of the conversation. Only getting a pout in response from the boy. He stands in between the older boy's legs before guiding the bendy straw into his mouth. He watches as the water bottle's contents slowly emptied. George always enjoys the little things Dream does for him as aftercare. Whether it be helping him drink, getting him dressed, or just holding him in such a secure way. He feels so protected, loved, and especially spoiled.

Dream strokes his free hand down the boy's thigh as he drinks. Every so often pausing to rub his thumb gently across his knee. He wanted to hold him again but knew he desperately needed the water bottle. George is definitely a lot clingier after punishment. All he ever wants is constant praise. To be told he's still loved and forgiven. The boy pulls away from the straw. Dream assumes he is done drinking even if the bottle is only half empty. He chooses not to argue. Any wrong word could easily send George straight to tears again. He reaches over to grab a clean dish cloth, dampening it under cool water to clean the boy's face of tear stains.

The boy busies himself wiping his boyfriend's face clean. Only fighting some as George tries to turn his head away from the cool, damp cloth. Luckily Dream has a good enough firm yet gentle hold on his chin to finish the job. George rubs his eyes harshly with his palms as soon as Dream tosses the washcloth into the sink.

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