I Hope Nobody Catch Us

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It was love at first sight. George was fucking beautiful, he had brown fluffy hair, that looked recently cut, long slim arms, and body type. He was slightly taller than Sapnap and was British (Dreams' favorite thing about him). And gosh that British accent did something to Dream. The way words would come out of his mouth so smoothly and how they sounded so much more delicate. It was just a silly crush, of course, he just had met him. He couldn't fall in love with Sapnap's friend.

"Dream!" He got out of his thoughts to Sapnap yelling to him. There he was, at Quackity's party, Sapnap and George in front of him, George sticking his arm out for what looks like a handshake. He got back from his little world and, "Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out for a bit." He tried to sound excited, he was though, so excited to meet George.

"This is George!" Sapnap introduced him again, even though Dream knows and loves his name. George went again for that handshake, Dream gladly accepted and finally felt a piece of the handsome man. He felt soft as a cloud, oh shit, Dream was falling hard.

"Ok boys, I need to get my boyfriend before he spends the night throwing up, have fun!" Sapnap said before despairing into the sea of people and leaving the two boys alone.

"Do you want a drink?" Dream asked George. George seemed a little shy, maybe because of Dream, who knows?

"Yeah, let's get some," George said, making his way to the kitchen but before going into the middle of all those people, he clung into Dreams' arm and then guided both boys to the kitchen. The walk to the kitchen was full of people either making out and being in their way, some dancing around and almost falling over with their drinks falling to the floor, some flirting, and some just actually enjoying the party. Still, a concerning amount of people making out.

"I hate parties," George whispered, probably it was meant for no one to hear.

"Me too." Dream whispered in his ear. He felt the boy shiver as he whispered. Even with all the loud music, Dream was the loudest for George. That made George blush, something about the Dream made him blush.

They finally got to the kitchen island, where the drinks were. There were so many drinks and Dream wasn't very much of an alcohol gut, but George liked having some drinks once in a while, but nothing too strong. George, being the colorblind motherfucker that he is couldn't tell which drink was which "Which one is the strawberry vodka?", he asked, typical as it was what he always drank at Quackity's parties.

"Uh... This one." The blond pointed at the soft pink drink filled with ice and some strawberries.

"Thanks!" George thanked him before getting some of the drink for his cup. As he filled the cup Dream spent some of his time admiring the boy, he looked so angelic with every single move he made, Dream couldn't stop himself from staring. "You're staring." George teased, after taking a sip of his drink.

"Has anyone told you how pretty you are?" Dream didn't expect himself to be this forward.

"No one, unless you." It sounded like a tease by the way George said it. Like they were playing with fire, teasing each other until one of them would break.

"You're very pretty." Dream said again, this time smirking as George shyly smiled at him.

"You're not too bad yourself:" George winking, George fucking winked at Dream. The blond felt butterflies in his stomach from that. "What? Cat got your tongue?" George asked noticing how flustered Dream got. He was a tease but Dream knew a way to get that attitude out of him.

"You got me very flustered there. Is that your way to get me in bed?" Dream fired back. It looked like a dangerous game that would probably end up in rough sex on one of the guest's rooms or each other's apartments.

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