bath time pt3

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Dream stared at the screen in front of him, feeling frustrated. He’d worked on this thumbnail for almost two hours now, and there was just something wrong with it that he struggled to put his finger on.
It just wasn’t right. It wasn’t perfect.

He sighed, placing his hand on the mouse to head over to discord, finding George. Quickly pressing the call button before he could think too much about it.

He shut his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, waiting for George to answer.

But the seconds kept passing, and George was not responding.

Once the call stopped on it’s own, he pressed the button to call him again. It was ridiculous, he must be ignoring him on purpose or something. It’s not like he’s out of the house or anything, Dream knew he was home.

Dream stared at the screen, waiting for George to answer his call. Expecting to hear his voice say ‘what do you want?’ in that deadpanned, annoyed tone he’d do. Or perhaps he’d play a soundboard to give Dream a jumpscare or something.
But the second call gave no different results than the first one had. George was once again non responsive.

After calling him for a third time without an answer, Dream took his headphones off as he got out of his chair, determined to go find him himself.

It wasn’t even about the need to get help for his thumbnail anymore, he was instead overtaken by the need to just know where George was, why he wasn’t answering him. What was he doing?

Dream went straight to George’s room, knocking on the door.

Being met by silence, he knocked again. And again.


Dream spoke, moving his hand to the door handle. Giving George five more seconds to reply before he twisted the handle, opening the door.

The wooden door creaked softly as he opened it, before peeking his head inside.

He’d expected to find George asleep on the bed, somehow sleeping through all of the knocking and discord calls. But as his gaze casted onto the bed he found it was empty.

As was the rest of his room.


Dream turned around, gaze searching the hallway as if George would suddenly appear, walking towards him.

But he wasn’t anywhere near his room, it seemed.

George was nowhere to be found.

Feeling a faint sense of worry start to creep up at the pit of his stomach, Dream began to look around the house. Finding the kitchen was as devoid of George as his room had been. Same thing with the living room.

He went to check Sapnap’s room, finding his friend sitting by his computer, playing Valorant.

“Have you seen George, Sapnap?”

Dream asked, gaze darting around his room as if George would be hiding in there somewhere.

“Uh, not today. Why?”

Sapnap answered absentmindedly, focused on the game in front of him.

“Just wondering where he is..”

Dream mumbled, feeling that worry grow stronger.

If he wasn’t with Dream, not in his own room, or Sapnap’s room, where could he be?

He shut the door to Sapnap’s room once again, before continuing on with his search for the brunet. Looking around every corner, into every guest room.

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