sugar daddy Dream x nerdy George

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I heard everyone yell and shout the moment Dream’s last song ended, which made me very glad that I’d decided to wear noise canceling earbuds. You see, Dream is one of the most famous singers, so people will travel the whole world, just to go to one of his concerts. I’d never understood those people to be honest, why go to loud places when you could stay at home with a cup of freshly made tea, and quietly read a book?

You might wonder; but George, you’re at Dream’s concert right now, aren’t you? And yes, while that might be true, I’m not here for the same reason all those screaming fangirls are. Because Dream, with his beautiful blonde hair and green eyes, is my boyfriend. Yes. You heard that right. The handsome and famous singer Dream is my boyfriend. And I’m currently sitting on a table somewhere backstage, reading a book.

“Hey Georgie, how are you doing?”, I lift my head up from my book when I hear my boyfriend’s voice, I smile softly and remove both my earbuds out of my ears. Dream is standing in front of me, smirking down at me and looking hot as ever. There is a gray towel laying around his neck to catch any more sweat falling down. One of his assistants must have handed that towel to him the moment he got offstage, just like what always happens.

“I’m doing alright, no assistants came to me and asked who I was or if I needed something, so that was good.” Dream chuckled at my statement and softly shook his head.

“You really don’t like strangers talking to you, huh?”

“Nope!”, I said, popping the p, while swinging both of my legs back and forth. My tall boyfriend just smiled, picked me up from the table and set me down on the ground. I slightly tilted my head, confused about what he was doing. Dream then sat down on the table himself and patted one of his thighs with his hand. My face immediately lit up when I understood what he meant, and I eagerly got onto his lap.

When he had me sitting in the way he wanted me to, he wrapped both of his arms around me. He then started to give me feather light kisses on both my jawline and throat, making me giggle. He continued with doing this for a few minutes, until he got bored and just rested his head in the crook of my neck. I relaxed more into his strong arms and let my body be completely supported by my boyfriends. I’d always loved his arms, the way he holds me never fails to make me feel safe and cared for. A content smile started to spread across my face as I slowly started to drift to sleep.


I yawned softly as my eyes fluttered open and close, trying to adjust to the bright light. When I was used to the light, I looked around the room I was in. I immediately recognized it, it was Dream’s room! Well, it was honestly more mine and Dream’s room, because I was here almost all of the time. Luckily my boyfriend never minded it that much, he even preferred it when I was there, saying it’d made him sleep better.

Speaking of being together, I was feeling really cold and lonely, because my hot boyfriend was nowhere in sight. I sighed sadly as I sat up in Dream’s – or our – bed, missing him very, very badly.

Just before any tears could escape my orbs, I saw a green sticky note lying at the end of the bedframe. I immediately went to grab and read it, a huge smile forming on my face as I did so.

Hello my beautiful angel,

You fell asleep last night at my concert. I thought you could use some extra sleep, so I brought you to our room. I hope you don’t mind.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you when you woke up, my manager wanted to talk to me about my new upcoming song. But don’t worry, I won’t leave you bored in our house, I bought some new books for you! If you don’t like them, you can always buy some new ones, you have my credit card ;)

Also; make sure to buy a beautiful dress for yourself that you can wear tonight at our one-month anniversary dinner. Money doesn’t matter, okay baby?

Xx, your Daddy
750 words

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