Chapter 1

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Sidney was awoken by a phone-call, The girl was clearly annoyed since it was the early morning. "Who is it?" She spoke in her groggy morning voice

"What's ur favourite scary movie?" The voice on the other line said. "Who is this?" She repeats.

"You tell me" She sighs lowly in frustration but continued to read the boys name and phonenumber out loud, making them hangup

Sidney didn't notice her roommate Lia was awoken by this. "Morning Sid." She says, Making Sidney flinch lightly.

"Do we have to change our phonenumber?" Lia asks politely, Sidney shakes her head in disagreement . "Nah, The stab movie just came out. We'll see how it goes this week." Making her roommate nod

"How are you though?" Sidney asks, Lia and Sidney both went through the same thing. Lia was dating Stu Macher at the time and Sidney was together with Billy Loomis.

Lia shrugs "It's almost been 2 years now." she says softly. "You know it's okay to miss him right" The brunnette stands up to wrap her arms around her friend.

"I know but he was a murderer, He killed our bestfriend." Her eyes started swelling with tears as Sidney comforts her. "Doesn't mean you don't have feelings"

Lia truly loved Sidney and everything she did for her, She was always there for her and vice versa. Lia relaxes in her friends embrace.

"I think we should get ready, we'll be late" Sidney nods grabbing her shower stuff, Lia stays in their room and puts on her clothes for the day.

She made her way out grabbing all her books she would need for today, upon arriving on campus a boy walks up to her.

"Hey have you seen Sidney?" She nods. "She was showering, When I see her I'll let her know her boyfriends looking for her." She says softly, she always had a soft voice.

She didn't like to draw attention to herself. "Alright Thank you I appreciate it" Derek says, Making Lia nod with a smile as he walks off.

She went to her designated classes and met up with Sidney again at lunch. "Ur boyfriend was looking for you" She says and at the same moment Derek walks to their table.

Sidney smiles as he gives her a kiss on her cheek. "Yeah I thought so, This guy named Mickey was looking for you?" She says almost in a confused tone.

Lia's face had confusion all over. "He said Randy spoke about you alot and he just had to meet you cause of this" She adds on as Randy plops down to the seat next to me.

"That's weird is it not? He doesn't even know me." Lia says, turning to Randy. "Who's Mickey? What are you telling him about me?"

Randy shrugs. "Just told him ur my bestfriend and I talk about you alot." Lia sighs. "Speaking of him here he is." Randy says

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