Chapter 3

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After the doctor was done with Lia, She sat down next to where Mickey and Sidney were sitting. She whispers some things to Sidney making her sigh deeply, Mickey was curious and felt slightly hurt that he was not in their conversation.

"We're all here for you guys" He says. "Right and who's we're all, we can't even trust anyone" Lia sighs deeply, Laying her head on Sidneys shoulder.

"I'm tired" She sighs as Sidney strokes her head. "I can take you to the dorm" Mickey offers, Sidney nudges her friend to go with him. "I have to wait for Derek anyway"

Lia hums. "Alright Let's go" She stands up and Mickey follows, They walk outside the hospital building. "Car?" Mickey points in the direction of just a plain black car.

She walks towards it as he unlocks it, opening the door for her. "So you have manners" She jokes. "Don't you ever doubt it baby" Her heart fluttered when he used that nickname for her, She knew he didn't mean anything serious by it but it was enough to make her mind race with thoughts.

He got in at the drivers seat as Lia closes her door, He starts up the car and they start driving. "About last night" He starts carefully. "I think I wanna have sex with you." Lia says bluntly.

She wasn't lying, but she kind of said it as a joke to see his reaction. He was taking a sip of his water and he visibly choked. "What?" He spoke clearly confused. "If you could fuck me in my dorm room would you?"

Mickey put his hand on her thigh, she didn't tense up at his touch she was visibly relaxed. "Do you want me to?" She blushes lightly. "Depends, Let's hope ur lucky and that Nina isn't in my dorm."

The ride was silent after this, not awkward but just comfort. Mickey squeezed her thigh every now and then circling it with his thumb, He was really praying to all the gods above that Nina would not be in her dorm.

They finally arrived after a solid 10 minute drive, They both got out the car and practically sprinted to Lia's dorm room, Lia opens her door carefully. "Oh you're back from the hospital how good!" Nina says in a cheery voice.

Standing up walking to hug her friend, Lia smiles softly hugging her back. Nina pulls away after a minute and drops herself back onto Sidney's bed.

Lia quickly turns around sensing Mickey was still there. "I guess ur not getting lucky today" She whispers to him as she gives him a small kiss on his cheek, He blushes at her gesture. "Oh I'll have you soon don't doubt it."

He whispers in her ear as he hugs her, She blushes lightly hugging him back. "I'll see you later mkay?" He nods finally leaving the two girls, Lia closes her dorm room as she plops down next to Nina.

"You need a shower you reek" She says nudging her friends side. "Yeah I'm taking a nap first, Stay or leave?" Lia asks.

"Leave, Sid just told me to wait for you to come to make sure you didn't get kidnapped" Rolling her eyes. "I'll catch you later, I'll be back in 3 hours with lunch" Lia nods as her dark blonde friend closed the dorm room leaving her alone.

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