The beginning of the end

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I sat on my bedroom floor and felt numb, heartbroken, and unable to move.

I willed my hand to place Sebastian's phone back on his side table and lifted myself up, putting most of my weight on the edge of the bed.

Feeling the tears pool in the corner of my eyes, I let go, allowing the sobs to escape my body. I began to shiver uncontrollably as I tried to calm the feeling of dread that came over me. The dark room suddenly filled with light as Sebastian opened the bathroom door.

"Mila, what's wrong" he stepped out and started to move towards me, his towel barely wrapped around his waist. I focused my sight on the beads of water falling down his well-defined muscles in an effort to avoid looking at his face.

I glanced up but couldn't formulate an answer as I felt the bile rising at the sight of him. I pushed past and hugged the toilet, emptying out the contents from the night before.

"Mila, god Mila, do you want me to grab you some water?" Sebastian tried to stroke my hair, genuine concern taking over his face.

"Don't touch me" I glared at him. Confused, and hurt, he pulled back his hand.

"What?" He was watching me closely unsure of what to do. I knew how broken I looked at that moment, and how confused he must have felt, but I ignored everything and continued to cry.

5 min earlier

"Oh for god's sake" Sebastian's phone went off for the tenth time in a row. I was hoping to get at least fifteen more minutes of sleep but the incessant calling was ruining any chance of that actually happening.

He usually brought his phone into the shower to avoid situations like this as people can get pretty adamant when trying to get a hold of him.

They don't like leaving a message for him to return on his own time, just repeated calls and texts. He's a stockbroker and his phone is his lifeline. I learnt a long time ago that I would always be sharing him with his job but I didn't mind. Part of the reason I loved Sebastian was due to his dedication to the things he cared about which included his family, friends, work and me.

I sighed as I kicked off the blanket and made my way towards his phone.  I'll bring it to him and maybe, just maybe, get another ten minutes of slumber.

I picked it up and stared down as it went off again.

......Megan calling

The hairs on my neck stood up and I felt like a bucket of freezing water was dumped on me.  Megan was Sebastian's best friend since college. Someone who's never been happy that he found me or that he was in a loving relationship.

She was also very awful to me. So awful, in fact, that Sebastian got into a yelling match with her two weeks ago and kicked her out of our apartment. It was supposed to be a lovely dinner party for our closest friends, but instead, Megan made fun of what I was wearing, my cooking, and my job. I ignored her baiting me as I knew better than to get into it with her. She would hit low and I didn't want a migraine to come on and ruin the night.

I was used to her outbursts and insults. Sebastian had always made excuses for her, letting me know that she didn't have any family, except him, and that she was very protective of him. He would tell me to be patient and that she would eventually love me as much as he did. He would become irritated when I stood up for myself and scolded me for arguing. He would remind me that I was too mature to stoop to her level. I didn't know why I always had to be the bigger person.

After he yelled and kicked her out, I felt like he finally understood how inappropriate she was. That night, he climbed into our bed and reassured me that she was out of his life for good. Now staring down at the phone I felt like he betrayed my trust.

I didn't pick up, instead, pressed ignore and set the phone down. As I was about to walk away I noticed another message pop up onto his screen. She sent him over ten texts in the past five minutes.

Against my better judgment, I unlocked his phone and looked.

M:I waited for you all night and you didn't come.

M:You promised me it was over with her for good and I believed you Sebastian.

M:You said you would tell her about us and come see me so we could celebrate finally being together.

M:You swore after our last fight that you couldn't live without me and that you finally made up your mind.

M:I'm not going to wait forever, either you end it or I'll call her today and tell her everything.


I turned the screen off, not wanting to read anymore.


"How long?' I looked into his eyes, searching for something. Maybe I was still dreaming, having a bad bad nightmare.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable. I saw a moment of panic flash through his face before he composed himself. "Mila, get up off the floor and talk to me, you're scaring me"

"How long Sebastian, how long have you been fucking your best friend" I screamed. This time the panic on his face was clearly visible. He knew he'd been caught.

His head cocked to the side, his face softening. "Mila, I'm sorry. It's not what you think..." I cut him off, not wanting to listen to his excuses. All this time, I knew.

I think I always knew.

I tried to exit the bathroom and walk past him but he grabbed onto my arm pleading.

"Don't touch me Sebastian, don't you dare touch me" I tried to free my arm from his hold. He didn't budge but held on tighter.

"Mila, don't do this. You don't understand. Just calm down and let me explain" He spoke to me like I was a child.

"I said don't touch me" I pulled my arm back, with more force this time, his grip loosened and he let go. I walked into the closet and began to pull his clothes off the hangers, throwing them onto a pile on the floor. "Take your shit and leave"

"Mila" he tried to hug me, coming closer while pleading for me to listen.

As his arms tried to embrace me, I began to hit his chest, over and over, letting go of the last piece of thread that kept me together.

"Mila, stop it. Please stop" He pleaded before throwing me onto the bed, holding down my wrists in an effort to prevent another blow to his torso.

"Just leave, it's over Sebastian. I don't want to hear why you did it. I don't care why. You played me all this time, making me believe I was crazy. Thinking I was wrong for believing that you loved her. I now know I'm not crazy. You made me believe I was." The tears finally stopped falling. "leave now!"

Sebastian looked like he was having an internal conflict. He glanced at me for another minute before finally pulling himself off.

"I love you" he whispered as he put on his clothes and left.

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