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"Hello" I heard a familiar voice and made my way towards it.

As soon as I saw jakes smile, the anger wavered a little.

I spent the whole day sitting in his room, waiting for him to come home so I could yell at him. And now here he was looking as cute as ever.

"You can keep that hello to yourself" I smacked his arm repeatedly. "How dare you keep me prisoner inside your home" I could feel the anger return.

Before I could continue with my assault, Jake hoisted me up on his shoulder and carried me to his room.

My kicking and screaming did nothing to slow him down and soon I was laying flat on his bed as he was pinning my arms above my head, his mouth dangerously close to mine.

I tried to keep my arousal at bay and reminded myself that I was still mad at this idiot.

"That's no way to greet me Mila" he breathed in my ear "I'll forgive it this time, but next time that happens I'll fuck some sense into you. Now, let's talk calmly like we're two grown adults."

He gave me a quick smile and brought his lips down into mine. The sensation of his kiss radiated throughout my whole body.

"I'm going to let your arms go ok? And you're not going to hit me again" he waited for me to nod before he let them go. "Now what seems to be the problem"

"Why am I not allowed to go to my house? Gary said you didn't allow it" I rearranged my clothes and moved away from him. Being in close proximity to him would lead to us having sex and right now I was looking for answers.

I needed to have a clear mind but he was making it close to impossible. He had a way to make my knees buckle with a simple stare.

"There's no need for you to go back there. Everything you might desire has already been purchased for you and if there's something you need to grab from your house, I'll have someone go and get it"

"This is ridiculous Jake" I began to protest before I was cut off by another kiss.

"I knew you wouldn't like it, but humour me temporarily. I haven't cared for anyone as much as I care for you and I want to make sure you're safe. Once I am convinced that I'm over exaggerating, you can go back to that apartment. Until then...just please humour me"

I didn't know how to answer him. This whole thing was beyond crazy but I couldn't dismiss the way he was pleading with me right now.

I highly doubted that I was in any danger, but he wanted to protect me and I couldn't be mad at that.

"Fine, but this is temporary Jake. You have to be upfront with what you're doing and not spring things on me. I don't like feeling like I have no input in my life." I was hoping he understood my position and would ease up a bit.

I looked around the room and sighed to myself.

"Deal, I'll discuss things with you before anything is set in stone" he reached out his hands and pulled me onto his lap "now get dressed because I'm taking you out to eat and to celebrate"

"Celebrate what?" I couldn't help but to smile at his excitement and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"An amazing but very boring business deal" he planted kisses on my neck before he abruptly stopped and frowned "I thought I told you to be waiting for me naked"

"Nope. I was mad at you" I wigged out of his hold and began making my way to the closet, "so what am I supposed to wear tonight?" I asked before I disappeared into the massive room.

"Something black, it will be an all black affair at the club tonight" he responded and I could hear him making his way to the bathroom. 

As I stood there looking at the large selection of clothing I sent a quick message to Katia and made sure to tell her to come.

If we were celebrating at his club, I needed back up. I figured he would be busy for at least part of the night and I didn't want to be someone that would be draped on his arm and dependant on him to entertain me. 

I made a mental note to let him know of the invite and got myself ready.

As I was doing a last once over, Jake came up behind me and pulled me into his body while nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Maybe we should just celebrate at home tonight" he spoke as he inhaled my scent.

"I'm already dresses and after the stunt you pulled today, I think a little punishment is in order" I turned around and faced him before I pulled him into kiss.

As I felt his hands travel up my body, I  stopped him before he could cup my breasts.

"I think it will be fun to see how much teasing you can take" I made sure to press myself up against him before giving him one last kiss and leaving him to stand alone. 

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