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"Are those from Sebastian?" Megan was glaring at me with absolute hate in her eyes. She had parked her car beside mine and was leaning on its trunk, obviously waiting for me to come out. To say that I was surprised to see her was an understatement.

She looked awful which made me smile internally. Her brown hair was up in a lazy ponytail and looked like she hadn't brushed it for days. Her eyes were puffy from crying.  Her usual tanned skin appeared paler. Megan had the all American girl next door look which would fool anyone into believing she was a sweet girl.

Seeing her in this state made me happy as I felt maybe I wasn't the only one suffering.

"Yes they are, actually. He also wrote me a desperate love letter. Wanna see?" I grabbed the card, placed it between my fingers and held it up in the air for her to see "Actually , probably not the best idea. He talks about how awful his life is without me, how you don't compare to me and how he wants me back"

I knew I was as poking the crazy bear but I didn't care. I spent years being muzzled by Sebastian but he wasn't around anymore and I had no reason to pretend to like her.  What I did feel was an immeasurable amount of hate.

"You're a liar. He would never come back to you" she sneered and scrunched her nose like she smelt something awful. "I figured he would send you apology flowers, but stop trying to convince yourself he'd actually come back"

"That's where you're mistaken Megan, if I'd want him back he'd come crawling, but I have no use for used goods. Now that I know he's been with you, I wouldn't touch him if my life depended on it. Who knows what kind of disease he's carrying" I glared right back at her. I was trying to keep myself calm but it wasn't working.

"You actually believe that don't you?" She burst out laughing and started to shake her head, "poor poor delusional Mila. You were always a dumb one. You couldn't see what was in front of you for so long. Sebastian was in love with someone else, cheating on you for years, and yet you stayed blindly by his side. You are pathetic and I almost feel sorry for you"

"Shut up Megan. Why are you here? If things are so amazing with Sebastian then why come to my workplace and bother with me at all? I'm not buying your crap nor do I want anything to do with you or him" I was getting tired of wasting my time. I have left them alone, why can't they do the same with me.

"I felt like I owed you an explanation, but it seems like you're not interested" she smiled. Clearly she was up to something because she wouldn't be here if it didn't benefit her in some way, "Sebastian didn't want to tell you as he said you're too fragile, but I didn't think it was fair to keep it from you. We're pregnant!!"

She yelled those last two words like a woman who was telling her best friend.

I blinked a few times as I was registering what I just heard. She kept staring at me waiting for a response.

"Congratulations to the both of you, make sure you send me your registry" I said flatly and tried to walk to my drivers side door.

"Don't you want to give me a hug?" She blocked my way and asked me sweetly.

I heard a vehicle pull up beside us and saw one of the outside patrol guys exit his car and look at Megan suspiciously.

"Everything ok Mila?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of megan.

"Yes, thanks pat, I'm just about to leave but you're more than welcome to stay put and see me off" I waved at him and turned back to Megan, "oh Megan you said I was pathetic but I'm not the one who had a relationship with someone for years that hid me away from the world. That lived with another woman and introduced her as his future wife. That showed everyone how much he loved her every damn day. You were nothing but his side chick and if you actually meant more to him than that, he would have left me before I found out about you two. But congrats, wishing you both a life full of love and happiness"

And with that I pushed by her and entered my car and drove away. I made sure I was out of sight before I started to cry uncontrollably.

Betrayal, Broken Trust and More LiesWhere stories live. Discover now