Chapter 145-146

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Chapter 145

An Yinong draws cartoons on the subject of the acting world has more advantages than others, he is familiar with the industry, and the He family has film and television resources to refer to, so the sense of reality will be stronger.

Of course, can not be the original according to reality, lost all the mystery, this industry is also this, and even seem a little dirty.

So the He family found out that the youngest brother seems curious about the film and television industry. The eldest uncle didn't think much of it, and even said to his son, "A Tong is interested, so you can take him around."

He Tianheng went looking for it, but as a result, An Yinong shook his hand repeatedly, "Big brother doesn't bother, I'm just curious about how a vegetarian grows into a big star step by step."

"What is there to be curious about?" Tianheng did not understand.

An Yinong then analyzed with He Tianheng how the general public has curiosity and imagination about the group of stars.

Suppose at this time, there is a variety show or some other interview program that can tell the audience this or vaguely reveal a little, there must be many people watching, because people have curiosity, especially for these occupations that are not normally accessible.

He Tianheng listened and listened and was persuaded, but he still wondered: "Then you are also curious?"

If not the youngest brother is too young and underage, and introducing him to female celebrities will be scolding, Tianheng would like to ask him what he likes about female celebrities, curious to find a star in-depth 'understanding' well.

"I have a cartoonist who is interested in this subject matter, I help to collect it."

"This kind of thing needs you as the boss to do? I think you are just interested in yourself, childish temper." Hearing this reason, He Tianheng cried and laughed, I thought my little brother had grown up, but I didn't expect the playfulness to be so heavy.

An Yinong also did not retort, reached out, and pushed him toward his own office: "Brother, I'll just stroll around by myself, you're busy, don't worry about me."

While collecting material, while creating, soon, the next showbiz comic An Yinong thought of.

The combination of showbiz and upgrade stream "Superstar", a big female comic.

The heroine entered the entertainment industry to take revenge on her father, who abandoned his wife and son.

As she gets career success step by step, and gains family, friendship, and love, the damage she once suffered will be healed, completely abandoning the existence of 'father', there will be no more hate, and no more love.

It is the pursuit of a career, but also personal growth and healing, and the imperial spirit girl a genre, and not the same.

There is no doubt that the subject matter is 'Gu Pan', with the usual gorgeous painting style.

And the background of 'Superstar' will be even more exquisite. This is exactly the entertainment world that many people who want to become stars dream of, with all the realistic ingredients gently wrapped up in glitz and glamour.

The stage, the clothes, the artists, they all shine with luxury and just look so desirable.

"There's dream material for the night." The assistant's mouth watered as he looked at the luxury goods and the beautiful artists.

An Yinong put a stack of photos on the table, these were not taken at the film company, but photos of various fashion products and high luxury products that he had someone collect.

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