Chapter 214

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"Meow." Sting still didn't get it, but he sensed something keenly and reached over to rub his head against him, licking him: I'm rubbing against you, don't be sad human.

"I'm not upset. This time I disagree, because owls don't want to be bred by humans, and neither do I." He said to Sting, "If one day you do meet an animal that wants to be your friend, you can become friends with it."

Sting seemed to understand, and at that moment the sound of a mouse crawling across the floorboards resounded again, and his eyes went round, his ears twitched, and he swooshed out.

"Like children." Easily struck and easily recovered, much stronger and braver than adults.

The next day An Yinong changed his clothes, took the gift money to attend the wedding, and rode in his brother-in-law's car, and the sting didn't come for fear of scaring people.

Big uncle in the county in a mid-range hotel banquet, because they have not lived in the country over the years, so the people invited are relatives and old neighbors, all together are less than ten tables.

Because of this, they had to be separated from the other family getting married in a hall, left and right. The bride's family didn't look too happy, so it was impossible to hire an officiant to warm up the crowd, and the wedding would seem a bit cold.

An Yinong first met the family of the original owner's great-uncle at the wedding, frankly speaking, in addition to the first cousin suddenly becoming a mutant with some pride, the husband and wife look are well-mannered, smiles have been piled up on their face, speak politely, look very much have seen the world of the city's people feel.

But by the time they came over to say hello, An Yinong knew why they made people uncomfortable.

"Mom, why are you wearing these clothes?" These were the first words from her great uncle, accompanied by a disapproving frown, "The large flowers look outdated."

"Mom, what about the clothes we bought you, the most popular ones over there." These were my aunt's first words, but she said them with a smile, though there was no laughter in her eyes.

"The clothes are nice, perhaps because our country is not popular with foreign fashions, great aunt and uncle feel out of place?" An Yinong spoke, and he too was smiling, the smile stopping at the corners of his mouth.

He was someone who had grown up in this world, and he knew when such a large, flamboyant floral color had been popular, which was when Grandma was in her youth. It represented Grandmother's 'fond memories' and what she considered to be the highest level of aesthetics.

In other words, Grandmother wanted to appear in her best image.

An Yinong's suddenly bared fangs surprised his great-uncle's family a bit, remembering that this was an uncharitable and mute child, especially silent after losing his parents.

Great uncle frowned, but great aunt came over before him and said with a smile, "Chu Yang is so old, have you graduated from university? What do you do now?"

"Pet groomer."

Auntie's smile became even more real, she kindly advised him to go to graduate school, preferably abroad, to see more of the world while he was young. Then she called out to her son and said that in the future, she would contact her cousin more often and that brothers should support each other, and those in good conditions should bring those in poor conditions.

If it wasn't for the original owner's memory of being there, he almost believed it.

"I heard that cousin is a mutant?" An Yinong asked.

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